Jenna slips out from between me and the table. “It’s either she kissed you or she didn’t.”

I sigh. “Fine. She stole a kiss from me once when I was drunk. I pushed her away.”

“Oh.” Jenna crosses her arms over her chest once more. “You were drinking buddies.”

“No,” I correct her. “I was drunk. She wasn’t.”

“And you’re sure she didn’t climb into your bed while you were drunk?”

“I was never that drunk,” I assure her.

Yet Jenna still doesn’t look convinced. Why won’t she believe me? Is it because I left her once? I thought she took me back because she was willing to trust me again.

“Listen,” I say. “Nothing happened between Chloe and me.”

“Except for a kiss.”

“One kiss that was completely one-sided.”

“How can you be sure? You were drunk.”

“I pushed her away, didn’t I?”

Jenna shrugs. “Maybe you kissed her back first.”

“And when she begged me to take her back with me, I turned her away again.”

Jenna’s eyebrows arch. “She begged you?”

“She said being with my father was killing her.”

“Then why doesn’t she just leave?”

“I think she has something of an addiction to men,” I answer. “She can’t live without one.”

Jenna gives another shrug. “Surely she could have found another man.”

“My father would have destroyed that man,” I tell her.

“But he can’t destroy you?”

“Not outright,” I say. “For some weird reason, he values blood. That’s why he requires the women he sleeps with to take long-term contraceptives.”

“Wow.” Jenna’s eyebrows go up. “Then she must have seen you as her ticket out. Like some kind of savior.”

Probably. “Like I said, I turned her down.”

“What did you say, exactly?”

“That I was not going to get the scraps off my father’s table,” I answer.

Jenna frowns. “Harsh.”


She touches her chin. “So the only reason you refused is because she belonged to your father first?”

I frown because I can tell where this is going. “No.”

“So if she weren’t…”

“Jenna.” I put my hands on her shoulders and hold her gaze. “I turned her down because my heart belonged to someone else.”

Her eyebrows crease. “But you broke up with me, which means you didn’t belong to me anymore, which means…”

I sigh. Is it really so hard for her to trust me? I guess I’ll just have to try harder to convince her, then.

“Come here.”

I grab her hand and lead her inside the nearest room, which I realize is the meeting room. After I close the door, I take off my jacket. I drape it over the back of the chair. Then I remove my tie and begin to unbutton my shirt.

“What are you doing?” Jenna asks me with a confused look.

I pop another button. “Proving I’m all yours.”


“I’m all yours.” I throw away my shirt. “Do whatever you want.”

Jenna’s gaze travels over my chest and abdomen. She touches her finger to her lips. Then she meets my gaze with narrowed eyes.

“Are you trying to seduce me so I’ll forget about all the women you kissed in London?”

“There’s no one to forget.”

“Hmm. But you are trying to seduce me?”

I grin. “Is it working?”

I can tell it is. I can tell by the way Jenna is moistening her lips and the way her amber eyes seem to have taken on a darker hue.

I crook a finger at her. “Come here.”

For a moment, Jenna still hesitates. Then she takes off her glasses, sets them down on the table, and struts over to me. She places her hands on my arms and presses her lips to mine. I grip her waist and kiss her back.

These are the only lips I want to kiss.

Her hands caress my shoulders, then fall on my chest. Her fingers travel over my heated skin, starting a trail of fire that ends in my crotch.

I place my hand behind Jenna’s neck and push my tongue inside her mouth. Her tongue pushes back and a dance begins. I pull my tongue away and suck on the tip of hers. Then I part my lips to let her tongue enter. It rubs against my palate and my cock throbs.

I push her tongue back to take control again. As I explore her mouth, I place my fingers over the topmost button of her blouse. I remove that button, then the one after and the one after that.

When Jenna pulls away to shrug off her blouse, I start to kiss her cheek, then her ear. She gasps as I lick the lobe.

I drag my lips to her neck as I reach behind her to search for the hooks of her bra. I unhook them and pull the straps off her shoulders and arms. As soon as the garment is out of the way, I cup Jenna’s breasts. She moans. Then she puts her hands on my chest and pushes me back.

“I thought I was the one who was going to do stuff,” she reminds me.