My lips curve into a grin against the pillow. I’m aching and exhausted, true, but damn, was that amazing after amazing after…

My thoughts screech to a halt as I feel something leak out between my legs. Now, that’s from the sex.


I’m still too tired to get out of bed, though, so I just lie on my back and stare at the ceiling. The cool air touches my shoulders and I pull the covers up to my chin. I manage to do so smoothly, without any resistance, which is when I realize I’m all alone in bed.

One turn of my head confirms that. The spot next to me is empty. Dax’s spot.

He’s gone.

Seized by panic, I sit up, ignoring the pain in my muscles and the stickiness between my thighs. I clutch the covers to my pounding chest as I throw my gaze around the room.

Where’s Dax? Is he still here? Are his clothes still here?


I turn my head at the sound of Dax’s voice and let out a breath of relief when I see him standing in the doorway that leads to the closet and the bathroom.


Dax gives me a look of concern. “Are you okay?”

I nod, but I guess I’m not too convincing since Dax walks over to me and sits on the edge of the bed.


I give another nod. “Yeah.”

What’s wrong with me? I shouldn’t have panicked like that. Dax isn’t going anywhere this time. At least, that’s what he said.

Wait. Did he actually say it?

“I’m fine,” I assure Dax as I lie down, though maybe I’m the one who needs the assurance more. “I just… had a weird dream.”

“Hmm.” Dax touches his chin. “Weird dream. Now I’m curious.”

And I’m confused. “What?”

“Was it about sex?” he asks. “Like something you wish I’d do, or – ”

“It was not about sex.” I roll my eyes. “How can you still be thinking about sex after everything that went on last night?”

“It’s precisely because of everything that happened last night that I’m still thinking about sex.”

I shake my head.

“Which was your favorite?” Dax asks next.

I give him a look of disbelief. “What?”

“Just for reference, which time did you like the most? I think I have an idea, but – ”

I throw a pillow at him. “Enough with the sex, alright? I can barely get out of bed.”

Dax says nothing.

“Why are you already out of bed anyway?”

How is it that I’m still in bed, sticky and sweaty and exhausted, and he looks brand new, like he’s already had a shower and coffee?

Did he already have a shower and coffee?

Dax draws a deep breath. “Actually, I have to tell you something.”

I tense. “What?”

I guess I’ve developed a fear of conversations after sex.

“I have to leave,” Dax tells me.

I sit up. “What?”

He’s got to be kidding me.

“I mean I have to go to work,” Dax explains. “Something came up.”


So that’s what he meant.

“I’m sorry. I know I said we’d be here three days…”

“It’s fine.” I wave my hand in front of my face.

After all, we’ve already gotten back together. Isn’t that what we came here to do? Isn’t that why he brought me here?

“No, it’s not,” Dax says. “I wanted to spend more time with you.”

So do I, I realize.

I shrug. “Well, it’s just work. Not the end of the world.”

He sighs. “Sometimes, it feels more like the latter.”

I chuckle.

“When are you getting back to work?” he asks.

“Um… Monday.”

That reminds me that I haven’t told Dax yet that I’m working at a town library, not NASA. Should I tell him now?

“Lucky you.” He looks at his watch. “I have to leave in a few minutes. The chopper will be at the landing soon.”

The chopper? Right. Rich people take helicopters to work, not cars.

“Do you want to stay here until tomorrow? I can leave Duke with you and someone will pick you both up.”

“No, thanks.” I swing my legs over to the side of the bed. “I should be getting back to my dad, too.”

“And Shanna, right?”

I nod. “And Shanna.”

Dax taps his thigh. “You know, you still haven’t – ”

Just then, his phone rings. Dax takes it out of his pocket and answers it.


I don’t hear what whoever is on the other end of the line is saying, but Dax nods.

“Yeah, do that in the meantime. I’ll be right there.”

He puts down his phone and rubs his temples.

“Sounds like you’re really needed back at work,” I say.

“Yeah. You and Duke will wait for the car? I’m just about to call someone to pick you up today.”

“No problem,” I answer.

I’m not dressed yet anyway.

Dax makes a call on his phone. “Mike? I need the car today, not tomorrow. As soon as you can. Also, you have to drop Duke off at the house and drop Ms. Holt at her residence. I’m taking the chopper.”

Let me guess. Mike’s answer is “Yes, sir.”