Am I going to explode again?

The answer comes to me as Dax speeds up even more, his pace nearly erratic as grunts spill from his lips. Again, I feel a buzz in my belly, and when Dax gives one deep, final thrust, I find myself unraveling a second time. This one isn’t as sharp as the last and yet I still find myself shaking, gasping for air.

Then, finally, I go still. Dax plants a kiss on my forehead and pulls out. I listen to the sound of him panting as he lies down beside me.

“Wow,” I say after I’ve caught my breath first. “That was… amazing.”

I tried to find a better word but couldn’t. Maybe my brain is still rebooting.

Dax touches the tip of my nose and grins. “What? Were you afraid I’d lost my touch?”

“I was afraid I’d lost you,” I tell him.

He takes my hand and kisses it. “Well, I’m back now.”

My lips curve into a smile. I guess we really are back together now.

As I look into Dax’s eyes, no longer scorching but still warm, joy erupts in my chest. I can’t believe I was fighting this. Now that I’m not, it just feels so right. It feels like Dax and I really belong together and nothing else in the world matters.

Our bodies have communicated. The universe has spoken. There’s nothing left to discuss.

Except there is, I realize as I remember the NASA thing. Bummer.

“What’s wrong?” Dax asks me.


I push the thought aside. I know I said I’d tell Dax, but right now, we both just seem so happy and I can’t bring myself to break the spell. I just want to bask in the afterglow, to soak it in like I didn’t get the chance to last time.

I’ll tell him later. I promise.

He runs his fingers through my hair. “Why did you get your hair cut?”

Because I was too busy taking care of Shanna to even comb my hair.

“I wanted something new,” I say instead.

“Right.” Dax nods. “I read about that.”

“About what?”

“Women getting a haircut after a breakup.” He plants a kiss in my hair. “I guess now you’ll have to grow it back.”

My eyebrows crease. “Why? You don’t like my short hair?”

He kisses my cheek. “I like you no matter what.”

“Even if I’m bald?”

“Even so.”

He kisses my ear. I giggle because it tickles.

“Dax, what are you doing?”

I feel him grin against my skin. His warm breath caresses my ear as he whispers.

“Did you really think that after not being able to touch you for more than a year, I’d be satisfied with just one round?”

Dax wraps an arm around me and pulls me close to him as he licks my earlobe. I feel his erection against my thigh.

He still wants to give it another go?

He plants his lips on my neck. A shiver goes through me.

Oh well. I might as well indulge him. Or so I think until I feel a rumble inside my stomach followed by a pang of hunger.

Right. I haven’t had any proper food since yesterday, just the bag of chips I went through last night.

I push Dax away. “Sorry, but can we do this later? I’m afraid I’m a little hungry.”

My stomach growls.

“Okay. Maybe more than a little.”

Dax gives me a childish frown but wipes it off before my stomach.

“I guess it can’t be helped. I wouldn’t mind it if you passed out in bed, but not from hunger.”

He tears himself away from me.

“Just give me a minute.”

I nod and get off the bed. I slip my panties back on, then pick up my bra. I toss that back into the pile, though, as I decide not to put it back on. I put on my shirt instead, then grab my pants next. I’ve just stepped into them when Dax speaks.

“Why don’t you leave those off?” he suggests.

I glance at him. “You mean walk around half naked? But it’s cold.”

“I mean I’ll bring you food here,” he says as he slips his head into his shirt. “How does that sound?”

A meal in bed. Glorious.

I step out of my pants. “That sounds nice.”

“Good.” Dax walks to the door, then stops and looks at me. “Just remember. We’re not done here yet. We’re far from done.”

I shrug. “Okay. I guess you have to bring me lots of food, then.”

He grins. “You bet.”


Bright sunlight pricks my eyelids, bringing me out of the haze of sleep. I groan.

“Not yet.”

I turn over to the other side only to let out another groan as I drape my arm over the pillow.

Shit. My body hurts all over and I can’t tell if it’s from the skiing or the sex.

Oh, the sex. Once Dax started again, he wouldn’t stop. Gentle. Rough. Lying down. Sitting. Kneeling over the bed. On the floor. In the shower. From the front. From behind. Dax was insatiable. Me? I had the most thrilling night of my life.