And I’m tearing the walls down first.

I grasp Dax’s chin and lean forward to press my lips against his. He grips my wrist and pulls away. Confusion swims in his eyes.

“Jenna, what are you doing?”

“Kissing you,” I answer. “It is New Year’s Eve, after all.”

“But it’s not yet midnight.”

“I know. I don’t want to wait. Do you?”

Dax lets go of my hand and my gaze with a sigh. I frown.

“If you don’t want to kiss me, you just have to say so.” I stand up. “If you don’t want me…”

“Jenna.” He grips my wrist once more and stands next to me. “Please, let’s not argue. Not now.”

I pull my hand away. “You don’t want to argue with me? Then help me out here. Help me not to feel helpless and stupid…”

Dax shakes his head. “You’re not stupid, Jenna.”

“Then what? I’m just not good enough?”


“Because I’m reaching out to you right now and it feels like there’s no one there. No one who wants me, anyway.” I let out a deep breath. “Listen. I know I pushed you away before and I probably hurt your feelings…”

“You didn’t.”

“But I’m here now. And I’m wiser, braver. I didn’t know what I wanted then. I do now. I want you. I want all of you. I want to know you better. I want you to teach me things I’ve never tried, to show me things I’ve never known, to give me something I’ve never had. I – ”

I don’t finish because Dax’s lips seal mine. His hand cradles my jaw.

For a moment, I don’t move. Each time Dax kisses me, my world stops spinning. Time stands still. This moment is no different.

When the ripples of thrill have passed through my body, I kiss Dax back. I clutch the front of his shirt as I press my lips against his.

He pulls away to remove my glasses and set them down on the coffee table. Then he cups my face and kisses me more fiercely. The taste of the wine from his tongue goes straight to my head and makes it spin. Fire burns in my cheeks and spreads down to my breasts.

Dax’s hands move to my hair. He makes a mess of the tendrils as his lips crush mine over and over. His tongue rubs against mine.

I moan into his mouth as my hands travel across his back. My palms feel his rigid muscles through the cotton.

He pulls me close and my swollen breasts crash against his chest. His left hand slides down to my shoulder, the other down my spine all the way to the small of my back. My fingers graze the soft strands of hair just above his nape as I suck on the tip of his tongue. He grips the hem of my shirt as he tugs on my lower lip and starts to lift it up.

I freeze. Dax has never done this before. The first time he tried to make a move, the move was brushing his hand against my breast. This time, he’s trying to take my shirt off. It’s the starting line. If I want him to stop, I have to speak up now.

“Jenna?” Dax’s eyes search mine after he pulls back.

I search those black pools in turn. What do I find? Heat. Excitement. Concern. Hope. A wish. And a promise.

I believe in that promise.

I take his fingers off my shirt and pull it up myself. Halfway through, Dax stops me.

“Are you sure about this? Because if you’re just trying to prove something, you don’t – ”

“I’m not,” I assure Dax as I cup his face. My fingers brush against the stiff bristles on the fringe of his jaw. “I want to do this.”

I do. I’m still scared, yes. I’m still not sure what’s going to happen or what I’m supposed to do. But I definitely want to continue.

I definitely want Dax.

I brush my lips against his. Dax captures them fiercely, stealing my breath and my remaining fears before he pulls my shirt over my head in one go.

I let the garment slip off my arms and fall on the floor. Then I take off his shirt. At the sight of Dax’s sculpted chest and his ridged abdomen, my breath catches. A fever simmers beneath my skin.

I always knew Dax was well-built. I just had no idea how well.

He takes my hand and flattens it against his chest, right above his heart. It beats against my palm.

“Still think I’m an alien?” he asks with a grin.

I trace the outline of a muscle and lick my lips. “Well, I can’t say you don’t seem out of this world.”

Dax chuckles. Then his expression turns serious, smoldering as he brings my hand to his lips. He kisses one of my fingertips.

“Would you like me to take you there?”

He rubs my finger over his lips like a lipstick and then captures it. As he sucks on the digit, a shiver of delight tumbles down my spine.