“So you’re the one taking care of Shanna? But what about when you’re working? Isn’t – ?”

“Dax.” I turn to face him. “I don’t want to talk about Shanna. She’s just a baby and she’s got nothing to do with you.”

He frowns. “I just – ”

“Dax Willard?” A voice interrupts our conversation.

I turn my head at the same time Dax does and see two men in their fifties standing a few feet away.

“Harold.” Dax steps forward and offers the larger man his hand. “And Jerry.” He turns to the shorter, thinner one, who also looks a little older. “I never thought I’d run into you guys here.”

I hang back, puzzled. Dax knows these men? But didn’t they call him Dax Willard? I’m pretty sure his name is Dax Bender.

“Why, we’ve been here since New Year’s Eve,” Harold says. “How about you? Enjoying Conrad’s lodge?”

“Very much,” Dax answers.

Conrad? Who’s that?

Just then, Dax glances over at me and gestures for me to join them. I give him a look of surprise.

No. I’m not joining the conversation. Why should I?

It seems too late to bolt, though, what with Harold and Jerry waiting, so I push my glasses in place and reluctantly move my feet forward.

“Gentlemen, this is Jenna Holt,” Dax starts the introductions. “And these are Harold Wilkes and Jerry Glen. You’ll rarely see one without the other.”

“Hello.” I say shyly as I offer my hand.

Harold takes it first. “Hello there. How are you?”

“Good,” I mumble.

Jerry shakes it next. “Pleasure.”

Not only is he smaller but he seems to be the man of fewer words.

“Jerry’s firm used to do some projects for NASA,” Dax says.

At the mention of the agency, I freeze. Shit.

Dax pats my shoulder. “Jenna is working for NASA.”

“Really?” Jerry looks impressed.

Now I really feel like bolting.

“Which facility?” he asks me.

I draw a deep breath. “Goddard.”

Thankfully, I still remember my NASA. That doesn’t mean I’m fine with lying, though.

Jerry touches his chin. “I know someone who worked there.”

Oh, shit.

“Lester Manning. Do you know him?”

“I’m afraid not,” I confess.

Jerry shrugs. “Well, it is a big place.”

“It is,” I agree. At least, I imagine it is.

Now, can we end this conversation?

“I’m sure you’ll hear about Jenna soon.” Dax squeezes my shoulder. “She’s brilliant.”

Right now, I don’t feel brilliant. In fact, right now would be a good time to shove my face into the snow again. And maybe not get up.

“Then you’ve got good taste in women,” Harold remarks. “Which is more than I can say for your father.”

I sense Dax grow tense beside me. Come to think of it, he’s never spoken about his father.

“I’m sure your mother was one of the good ones, though,” Harold goes on. “Too bad I never met her.”

“Too bad,” Dax says in a somber tone.

I hear the sadness in his voice and frown.

“How is Walt?” Harold asks. “Does he still hold a grudge against you for leaving and taking some of his best men?”

“I didn’t take anything,” Dax defends himself.

“Oh, don’t worry, son. I don’t think that’s a bad thing.” Harold pats his arm. “Genius, actually. You’ve got both guts and brains. I’m sure you’ll go far. I mean, you’re making great strides already.”

It’s a compliment, and yet Dax doesn’t look at all pleased. He seems just like me now, impatient to get out of this conversation and get away.

“And to think you never wanted to be a businessman,” Harold goes on. “That you didn’t want to go to London. Then again, I never liked London either. Too foggy. I’m surprised you hung in there for more than half a year.”

London? Is that were Dax has been? Is his father there? It sounds like it. And it sounds like his father is a wealthy man. Is that why Dax is rich now? Did he leave me and go to London to receive his inheritance? But didn’t he say he was leaving for work reasons and that he would be gone indefinitely? Besides, Dax never seemed interested in money, and it seems he and his father don’t get along. So why go to London?

I want to know. I want to understand why Dax left.

“They had good fish and chips,” Dax says calmly. “Which I’m afraid I feel a craving for now, so if you gentlemen will – ”

“Really?” Harold interrupts him. “That pub you just passed just happens to serve good fish and chips, or so I’ve heard. Care to dine with me and maybe have a drink or two?”

“Some other time,” Dax says. “I was thinking more of the fish and chips waiting at the lodge.” He looks at me. “Besides, I promised Jenna I’d spend as much time as I could with her before I drowned myself in work.”

Harold nods. “Of course.”

He seems disappointed, though. Dax doesn’t care. He takes my arm and leads me away. I don’t resist. Sure, I want to know more about Dax, but if I’m asking any questions, it’s not them I should hear the answers from. It’s Dax.