“And I’m here to change your mind.”

“Oh, is that why you’re treating me so well? I knew the luxury of this place was a set-up.”

A stinging slap knocks my head to the side.


“I told your father he spoiled you too much. I don’t think you’ve grasped the gravity of the situation.”

Oh I have, trust me. “That so?”

“Listen, boy. Assuming you can control your father’s company and not drive it into the ground in a matter of months, assuming you can fill his shoes… it is my duty to explain to you what your options are. You do what you’re told, or we’re gonna shut your business down in no time. We’re gonna squash you. Pull strings to put you to prison and scatter your inheritance to the winds.”

Ooh. So scary. And subtle much? So this is what they wanted. As expected. For me to become my dad. To take his place in the Organization.

Does he really think I betrayed my dad, that I put him behind bars, to take his throne? That I am so greedy I couldn’t wait, and I found a way to shove my dad away and become king in his place?

“Unless you decide to work with us,” he goes on, his voice softer, and damn hard to hear. “Willingly. Eagerly. There are great rewards for those who join our ranks willingly. Your parents knew that. They built their empire with our help.”

I think I just threw up in my mouth. The empire I inherited is built on corruption, filth and lies—and although I’ve known this for months, ever since Storm and his girl, Raylin, uncovered this whole bloody mess behind our families, hearing it stated so matter-of-factly makes me sick to my stomach.

“I’m not interested, damn you.” And I’m still in role. Don’t give in too easily. Play the game.

“You should take me up on my offer while you’re ahead,” he says, his voice dropping again, and I wonder why I have trouble hearing him again. “Before I lose my patience and let Elliot and Johnny here to do as they damn well please with you. I’ve kept them in check until now.”

And veiled threats, check.

“I’m not afraid of your thugs, Boss. You’re the Boss, aren’t you?”

A kick against my legs wrenches a gasp of pain from me.


“Sleep on it, Hawk. Think of my kindness. You took your parents out of the picture, and don’t think for one moment that I can’t do the same with you. Heir of an empire, that matters none to the Organization. You’re all disposable. We’ve already located a cousin to be crowned heir after your body is found in a ditch by the roadside. Join us, or else, got it?”

Got it. Open threats now, huh? I’ve got him where I want him—on his toes, trying to figure me out.

The plan is in motion.

Then of course he returns the favor, rattling me when he presses something to my cheek. I can’t keep from flinching.

“Didn’t you hear what I just said? Of course you didn’t.” The small, cold object digs into my cheek, and I wonder what the hell he’s doing, until I know with sudden clarity and feel cold.

“Fuck,” I hiss.

“Yeah. Lost this, did you? That what you thought? In the struggle when we brought you here? But there was no struggle. We drugged you and picked you up, packaged you and delivered you.”

I say nothing. Fuck him.

“A hearing aid. Small enough to hide under your hair. You haven’t told anyone, have you? Not even your friends. That you’re half-deaf.”

I’m not half-deaf. I’m partially deaf, and also damn angry. I’ll bash his fucking head in, first chance I get.

“I’ll be back tonight,” he says, close to my ear, and I’m torn between gratefulness that I hear what he says and blinding fury. “Last chance. I suggest you take it.”

I close my eyes and slump back. Man, this is turning out to be much harder than I signed up for, and I need to make it work, no matter the cost.

Remember your plan. Remember you need to get out of this alive. So suck it up, Hawk, and play.