Okay, scratch that. Anything he says makes me hot. The guy’s a god. What the hell am I doing, sitting here with him?

“You work?” He puts his glass down, reaches up and undoes the top button of his shirt. Yeah… is it too warm in here? “Or study?”

“Study.” I drag my tongue over my lips, desperate for moisture, and tear my gaze away. “Publishing.”

“Sounds interesting,” he says, but when I turn back toward him, I find that his gaze is fixed on me. “Publishing novels or nonfiction?”


In fact, his gaze is fixed on my cleavage, I discovered when I follow it. I’ve dressed in a dress I bought a few months ago in New York, when I was visiting my mom. It’s a vintage cut, knee-length, with a deep cleavage showing off my boobs. I don’t have a great ass, like my friend Dorothy, but my boobs are good-sized. I used to like them, before Chance said one day that they were too big.

I wonder what Hawk is thinking, and crap, my nipples are tightening under his scrutiny. I like that he’s looking at me like that, especially when he glances up, meeting my eyes for a fleeting second, and gives me a wolfish grin.

“God, you’re sexy,” Hawk rasps, and hey, can I have him for dessert, please? No need to wrap him, I’ll take him to go.

“So are you,” I admit, though it costs. I swear the skin on my cheeks is blistering.

His gaze dips to my boobs again, then does a slow slide up my neck to my flaming face and he licks his lips.

Holy crap.

Never felt this way with a guy before. This insta-lust, this heat between my legs just from staring at this bulging biceps in that fine shirt, the small dimple in his chin, the long, pale lashes and thick brows over those ice-blue eyes.


p; “How badly do you want those artichokes?” he asks, and I blink at him, lost. “Is it like, a craving you need to fulfill no matter the cost, or…?”


“I don’t like artichokes,” I blurt, and clap a hand over my mouth, because holy crap, Lay, exerting some control over your mouth might be a good thing. “I mean, I can go without.”

“Good. I’m not that hungry after all.” He’s looking at me, at my face, as if trying to read me. “I’d much rather taste you.”

Silence stretches between us. I try to swallow, but my throat is closed up.

Taste me? “You want to kiss me?”

His eyes glitter. “Yeah. And not only on the mouth.”

Oh boy, I think I’m finally catching on, and I squirm on the seat, the heat returning between my legs, coupled with an urgent pressure and a pulse that feels like my heartbeat.

“I, um.” I glance at the other tables, wondering if they can hear any of this. “You want…?”

“I want lots of things with you,” he says, his voice low and deep. “I was watching you, watching as you crossed your legs and uncrossed them, as you put your hand over your tits.” He nods at my boobs and my nipples wave back at him, hard and aching. “Goddammit, girl. You’re so hot I’m in danger of shooting my load right here and now, just from looking at you.”

Wow. Nobody has ever said anything like that to me. And maybe I should be running away from this guy who has no trouble telling me all this, but I find myself leaning toward him.

“Chance said I’m frigid,” I whisper, and God, what’s wrong with me tonight? It’s as if every random thought I have has to come out of my big mouth.

“He’s a goddam idiot,” Hawk mutters. “You’re anything but frigid. You’re hot like all hell, Doll. And I can prove it to you. Would a frigid woman come four times within an hour as I pleasure her?”

Ohgod, ohgod. I’ve never… never even come once with Chance.

Hawk must read my thoughts on my face, because his brows draw together in a frown. “Tell me he at least made sure you came when you had sex,” he growls, and the fine hairs on my arms lift.

“He tried,” I say, remembering how Chance often complained it took me too long to show any signs of pleasure.

“That motherfucker,” Hawk mutters, and it’s all so weird, hearing a guy like him, in a suit like that, swear like a sailor. He reaches for my hand and strokes his thumb over my knuckles, sending a great shudder through my body. “Let me show you, Gorgeous. Show you what it can be like. What you can be like, with the right guy.”