Can’t recall any man looking at me that way. Certainly no Chance. Chance who announced publicly that I’m frigid in bed.

Hawk makes me feel all kinds of hot, inside and out. His gaze makes me lift my head, push my shoulders back and my boobs out. Makes me feel pretty and desirable.


“Come on.” He takes the room key and starts toward the elevator, forcing me to run in my heels, and I want to hiss at him to slow down, but at the same time I like that.

I like how much bigger than me he is, how much longer his strides are. That he pulls at my hand, sure I’ll follow. That he gives me another once-over while waiting for the elevator, and my skin tingles and heat spreads down my belly.

The elevator doors close behind us, and he yanks me to him suddenly, without warning, his hand splayed on the small of my back, our bodies melding together. His face dips, and his mouth brushes mine, a searing kiss. Something long and hard presses into my hip.

“Feel me,” he murmurs against my lips. “Feel how much I want you. How you turn me on. Even from the distance, as you sat at your table, I could feel your heat.”

The elevators door open, and I barely notice, caught up in him, his spicy taste, his spicy scent, his cool gaze with its sparks of fire, his tall body dwarfing mine.

I lift my hand to his face, needing to touch his hard jaw, to touch his hair and see if it’s as soft as it looks.

He marches me backward before I manage, out of the elevator cage, over velvet carpet that muffles our steps.

He pushes me against a door and crowds me in again, his hot mouth skimming over my cheek, pressing to my neck, sucking. He’s panting, I realize, as zings of pleasure travel down my spine and my hands clutch at his muscular arms through the suit jacket he’s put back on when we left the restaurant. He’s aroused and kind of out of control.

Because of me.

That’s a heady thought, and when his hands close around my waist and his t

high nudges between my legs, I don’t stop to think we’re still in plain view of anyone passing by, my eyes closing, my body shuddering with pleasure.

Dry-humping Jamie Fleming’s muscular, strong leg.

Oh God.

Thankfully, he presses his mouth to mine as the pleasure spirals and my body jerks with the first orgasm I’ve had in a long while, my cry muffled.

Holy crapballs. There’s a ringing in my ears. The dim lights of the corridor blink in my vision as my senses slowly return and I find myself slumped against the door, Hawk’s leg still between mine, and his handsome face creased in a pleased grin.

“That was so hot,” he whispers, his voice a sexy rasp, and strokes his thumb over my lips. “Can’t wait to hear the sounds you make in the bedroom.”

Suddenly I’m overheated, self-conscious and kind of sick to my stomach. “I, um. Look—”

“You’re so sexy,” he says, and leans in again. The proximity of his eyes, his mouth, his straight jaw, the golden stubble, it’s all too much for my poor brain. It short-circuits again when he smiles that devastating smile and can’t process anything else while he inserts the key into the lock and pushes the door open. “Come on.”

Coming is the one thing I’ll certainly be doing with him, that’s for sure.


The room is big. It’s a suite, I realize after taking in the space with the sofa and armchairs, and the separate space for the huge bed.

It’s covered in a white bedspread and has… rose petals strewn over it? I blink, sure I’m hallucinating. This doesn’t happen in real life, does it? Not in any of the hotels I have visited in my lifetime, and this hotel had a very unassuming air, from the outside, at least.

I walk toward the bed, running one fingertip along the wall. There’s a framed drawing of a naked woman hanging by the bed, and a tall crystal vase with red roses on the bed stand.

Definitely not common. I touch the satiny petals of the roses and inhale their scent.

Smiling, I turn around—and find myself face to face with Hawk whose gaze has turned sharp. Fierce.


“I’m going to strip you bare,” he says, his voice that same low rasp that sends heat through my body, a fiery path down my core. “Eat you out. Stroke you so deep you’ll feel it for days. And fuck you until you can’t walk straight. Are you ready, Hot Stuff?”