The call connects and Simone’s bright voice answers. “Simone, how can I help you?”

I frown. “I called your apartment, right? Not your work?”

“Yes, it’s my apartment.”

Huh. “Okay. I just wanted to let you know I’ll be heading over in about ten minutes.” I glance at the document I have open on my computer screen and click save. “Just the time to drive over.”

“Sure. It sounded urgent. I’m thinking of starting a relationship advise service. Lovesick Hearts.”

Now I get the strange greeting. “You sure about this? What do you know about love?”

“You’re one to talk. Last week it was Ryan, and now it’s Riddick, isn’t it?”

I bite my lower lip. “Riddick is… sweet. And sexy. And good Lord, his body…”

“Come off it.” Simone gasps. “Don’t tell me you got down and dirty with Riddick. Weren’t you saving your cherry?”

“We didn’t have sex. Not exactly.” My face is on fire. “But I saw his…you know.”

“I know, what?”

“You know!” I bend over to retrieve my purse that’s on the floor beside my desk. “His member.”

“You saw his dick?”

Just the word makes me catch my breath. My mind wraps around it—around the word, I mean.

Dick. His dick.

“And?” Simone now sounds breathless, too.

“It’s big.” I lick my lips, my mouth suddenly dry. “Really big. And…” The door of my office creaks. It’s slightly ajar.

“And what?”

Without replying, I get up and walk there to close it—but someone is there, right outside, and I jerk back with a yelp.

The person outside the door also yelps—a much deeper, masculine sound.

“Ryan?” I’m staring at him. “Oh my God, you scared me. Why are you lurking outside my office door?”

“I’m not lurking.” He scowls at me, eyes flashing. Jeez, he’s even more gorgeous when he’s pissed. “I happened to be standing here.”

“Outside my door? Really?”

“Bry? What’s going on?” Simone’s tinny voice whines in my ear. “Who are you talking to?”

“Why do you keep turning up wherever I am?” I ask him, ignoring her.

Ryan shoots me an undecipherable look. “I’m not.”

Of course not, I tell myself. Why would he? I’m seeing things where there’s nothing.


“Is that Ryan you’re talking to?” Simone screeches in my ear. “You’re two-timing them?”

See? Told you Simone would put me back on the right path.