“Don’t worry, baby. It won’t break.” I drag my fist up and then down, my hand bumping against hers. “That’s it.”

“You look…” She takes her time, releasing my dick and smoothing her hand over my hips, my thighs, over my stomach. “Tense.”

Laughter almost makes me choke. “That’s because I’m about to come.”

She sits back, and oh fuck, her cleavage has dipped lower, and I think I see a hint of nipple. “Do it. I want to see you come.”

The things she says… Straight-faced, too, although her breathing is still harsh, and her eyes seem dark against her pink cheeks.

I keep looking at her as I jack off, stroking myself violently, urgently. A girl wouldn’t jerk me off like this, but this is what does it for me.

This, or fucking, and this… This is so fucking good, because she’s here, watching me, moving unconsciously to my rhythm.

I bet if I slid my finger under her panties, she’d be hot and wet and ready to go again.

That image pushes me off the cliff, and I grunt, falling back against the cushions as my dick jerks and spills streams of cum over my chest. The relief is so great it actually fucking hurts.

What you do to me…

“I have one last question,” I manage, eventually releasing my spent cock and letting my hand drop to my side.

She blinks at me. I don’t know if she’s shocked at how I jacked off, or at the amount of cum I spewed out. My chest is covered. “Yes?”

“Will you go out with me?”

She stares at me.

Then looks away without answering.

Fuck. I may have to fight Ryan for her. Never had to do that. Never wanted a girl like this. Don’t know what’s up with me these days.



I like her way too much…

Chapter Fifteen

Hot Sugar Snakes


I’m kissing Brylee, and she’s writhing underneath me, her copper hair bright against my dark sheets, her body creamy and soft. Her legs open for me, and I break the kiss to draw up and gaze down at her curves. Black lace with pink bows, and the dark crescents of her nipples just visible, just enough to make my mouth water.

“Ryan…” she whispers, my name a breath. “Ryan…”

I rip her panties off, and they crumble into black sand, blown away by the wind. A gust, and she’s naked, sprawled on my bed, her bra gone, too, her tits round and perfect.

An urge to laugh takes me, laugh with happiness. I grab my dick and plunge into her, deep, so deep I start coming just from that. She trembles around me, her pussy gripping my cock in a vise, and she cries out.

I wake up with her cry in my ears and my cum all over my hand.

Rolling on my back, I blink the images from my eyes. My ears are ringing, my body still trying to come down from the high.

My heart is hammering way too hard. I place a hand—my other, clean hand—over it and count its beats.

Then I throw my legs over the side of the bed and take a few deep breaths before getting up.