
“That’s it? He cornered you, kissed you, and then walked out?” Candy is gaping at me from her pillow fortress on the sofa of her apartment. “Hot and cold in the space of five minutes?”

I shrug.

“I don’t like it, Bry. He’s playing games with you.” There’s a seriousness about her I don’t recall from before.

“You think?” I’ve been touching my lips all the time since he kissed me.

That was two days ago, and I can still feel his kiss, on my lips, in my body.

And he’s been avoiding me. For real. Not even glancing my way when I pass by, and going the other way if I approach. That’s pretty hardcore avoidance right there.

Candy eyes me. “Was it good? The kiss?”

I nod.

“That’s all I get? A nod?”

“What do you want? A replay?”

“Ugh, no. I’m not into girls.” She sticks her tongue out at me.

Yeah, me neither. I’m definitely into boys.

I change track. “He asked me about Riddick.”

“He knows Riddick?”

“Yeah. They happened to meet. There’s something there…between them. Like a spark, you know?”

Candy stares at me. “You mean they want each other? I thought Riddick was bi, but do you think Ryan is too?”

I shrug.

“But they also want you.”

I chew on a nail, tasting nail polish. “Maybe. It’s all so weird.”

“Is it?” Candy whispers, and glances at a framed picture on a shelf. It’s of her between her two boyfriends. “You still don’t think a girl can love and be loved by two guys at the same time?”

“That has nothing to do with it.” I fall back on the cushions. “You guys are in love. That’s different.”

“Can I tell you a secret?” she says, her voice going lower still. Her eyes sparkle as she puts a hand on her tummy. “You’d find out sooner or later anyway. Not like I can hide it forever.”

My eyes widen. “You didn’t!”

She laughs. “Six more months.”

“Oh my God!” I slap a hand over my mouth, smiling. “I’m so happy for you! Which one is the daddy?”

She shrugs. “We don’t want to know.”

Wow. I admit she makes a convincing case for three people loving each other for real.

But all I have to go on is a kiss and a whole lot of confusion.
