Banana-shaped Dream


Phase One was a complete and utter failure. Phase Two sucked.

And sadly, Phase Three has suffered a setback: my cookies have burned three days in a row. I blame it on my confusion about Ryan and Riddick.

On the fact I like Riddick. A lot.

And that I liked the fact that Ryan wanted to check in on him, and that he helped him look for his brother.

Not to mention that he massaged his ass.

Okay, okay, that image is… kinda hot, and why is my heart racing like that? Let’s rewind. Back to safer footage.

I want Ryan to pay attention to me and see how right I am for him.

But I also want Riddick to kiss me.

And Ryan, too.

Holy crap, right? That wasn’t part of my plan. Not like this. I wasn’t supposed to lust after one of them, let alone both. It wasn’t supposed to be anyone but Ryan on my mind, as the goal of a well-thought-out plan.

And now… It’s a miracle my brain hasn’t boiled, and the top of my head hasn’t exploded yet.


I need to take some cleansing breaths, do some meditation, burn some essential oils and find my balance. This is unacceptable. I can’t lose focus. Can’t let lust confuse me.

Besides… two guys? Ha. Haha. Whatever. No way.

And no matter how much I like Riddick, he’s not the right one for me. I’ll just have to avoid him, stop thinking about how frigging good-looking he is.

How sad his eyes are sometimes.

I walk over to the water cooler, hoping to clear my mind. I fill a plastic cup with water and stare into it, as if the answer is waiting in its depths.

But nada.

I hate this feeling of not knowing what I’m doing. Whether I’m doing the right thing. I don’t like doubts. The only way to succeed in something is to believe in it.

And Ryan…

“Hey,” a deep, familiar voice says from behind me. “You didn’t come over to ignore me today.”

Oh dear Lord. I stagger sideways, clutching the plastic cup, water sloshing over. Here he is.

Okay, stick to the plan. “I’m ignoring you now.”

He shrugs. God, those wide shoulders rolling… “It’s not the same.”

I frown at him. “Wait a sec… You like it when I ignore you?”

Another shrug, and a half-smile that lights up the emeralds in his eyes. “I like the way you do it.”

I think about that. “You mean, pointedly?”

“Yeah. Very pointedly.”