It’s not until I’m helping him unzip his jeans and pull them down I realize what I’m doing and the risk I’m taking.

If I got so hard just from holding him in my arms to stop him from cracking his skull open on the sidewalk, how much more trouble am I gonna be in now?


I have my hands covered in self-warming gel, the naked ass of a guy underneath me, and he’s moaning as I spread the gel over his warm flesh.

Lots of ways this scenario could go, most of them resulting in me fucking him into the mattress until we both find relief.

Only I don’t think he’s interested, not when his back hurts this badly. So I slide my hands over his muscular ass cheeks and down his legs, over the fine hairs there, and try not to think about my urgent hard-on.

I press my thumbs into the thick muscle of Riddick’s ass, and I’m rewarded with a deep moan that makes my dick twitch and weep.

“Right there,” he mumbles into the pillow, his hands clenching on the bed. “Fuck, yeah.”

Jesus, he sounds like he’s having an orgasm.

Swallowing hard, I press harder, and the new sounds he makes… I swallow a groan, forcing myself to keep up with the massage.

He doesn’t need to be fucked. He needs painkillers and some bed rest to get back on his feet. He also needs his brother to come back so he doesn’t go out again on his own in the night, in the fucking snow, looking for him.

And what? Will you hold his hand every time he goes out? Make sure he doesn’t slip in the snow again?

Massage his ass and his muscular legs? Tease more needy sounds from him?

Jesus, Ryan. And then what, you’ll fuck him? Or let him fuck you? Suddenly you think you can do this? That it’s not dangerous?

And on the heels of that thought come images of him and Brylee, together, and with me, a tangle of bodies, mouths meeting, and tongues licking, and…


I climb off the bed and draw a deep if unsteady breath. “All done.”

He turns his head on the pillow, looks at me with glazed eyes. “Thank you, man.”

“Just try to rest,” I say tersely, stepping into the tiny bathroom to wash the gel off my hands and get myself together.

Time to go. I should never have come inside. Never should have broken my rule and changed my schedule.

Yeah, I’m going crazy. For years I haven’t given a flying shit for anyone, didn’t think about any guy or girl twice, and now I have two of them living inside my mind.

How do I kick them out?

Chapter Ten

Princess Cake


I’m in doubt.

This is bad. I can’t be doubting myself and my mission. To clarify, I’m not doubting that I want Ryan, and that I’m the best match on earth for him.

No, the problem is Riddick.

He shouldn’t interest me. Shouldn’t be on my mind. The dimples in his cheeks when he smiles that sexy smile. The glitter in his eyes. That powerful body.
