“I’ve never slept with him before.”

“Bry, God. You said he’s an ass. You said he hurt you. How can you go back to him?”

I shrug. “He’s the one who came to me. You said I should stop running after him. I stopped.”

“He ran after you?” Her face twists. “Okay. That’s… good, I guess. You don’t think he’s a douchebag anymore?”

“Someone had to see through his tough front,” I say primly.

But it’s true, isn’t it? I did see through it. And he is kind underneath it all—and sexier than I imagined. What this means for the future, though?

Probably nothing. Because…

“I have a problem,” I whisper. “I want them both.”

“Want?” Candy whispers back. As if we’re discussing something illegal. “As in lusting? Is this just about experimenting? Because I gotta say, this is coming out of the blue.”

What can I say? She’s right. I’m shocked at myself, too.

It’s ridiculous. This isn’t like me. I can’t be in lust with two guys. Can’t want them both. Yet here we are.

“They’re growing on me.”

“Like fungus?”

“No, Candy.”

“Like creepers?”

“Stop it.”

Both. I want them. Seriously, between Ryan and Riddick… how can I choose? How can I split my heart in two? One is dark with a heart of gold, and the other golden with a darkness in his soul.

I can’t choose. I don’t want to. It’s not fair.

Please don’t make me.

“Help me.” I reach across the table for her hand. “Ryan invited us for the weekend to his lake house, and I don’t know what to do.”

“Whoa.” Her eyes are round like coins. “Out of the blue and into the fast lane. He invited both of you? Is Riddick going, too?”

I nod, and resist the urge to chew on my nails.

“So, you’ve… what, kissed? Together?”

I nod again, swallow hard.

“On the mouth, only?”

I shake my head, more heat spilling in my cheeks when I remember Ryan’s mouth on my pussy, Riddick’s on my breasts.

“Did you…?” She pretends to lick ice cream.

Or… maybe something else?


“No. I’ve never done that.” There. If the skin doesn’t blister right off my face, it will be a mercy.