Then Joel pulls back, gathers the rings, and puts them on our fingers. He has a matching one, it turns out, that Jet and I slide on his ring finger together, and then we sit there, in silence.

I sniffle.

“So…” Joel rubs at his mouth that’s quirked into an uncertain half-smile. “Is that a yes?”

Finally, Jet stirs and draws a shaky breath. “Now and always, J,” he whispers.

I nod, my heart pounding, smiling so widely my face hurts. It’s a good pain. “Now and always. God, yes, always and forever.”

It’s not the rings, or the words we spoke. It’s everything, and it’s binding us together in a knot of love that tells me we’ll live happily ever after.

Candy Boys

By Jo Raven


When life gives you bananas, make a smoothie

Chapter One


Post title: You Won’t Believe This

From Candy Boys (Blog Serial)

J-One licks his lips suggestively and pulls me onto his lap. “Ready for this, baby?”

Is this a trick question? I’m always ready for him and he knows it.

For them.

J-Two nuzzles my neck from behind, leaving a trail of goosebumps on my skin. “Just get on with it, J,” he grumbles. “You’re wasting time.”

“Use your mouth for something else, will you?” J-One slides his hands up my body, eyes heavy-lidded.

“Yeah? Like what?”

“Let’s talk about bananas…”

Hm. Sure.

Why not, right?

You know how there are people who hang out in bookshops, browsing books and secretly sniffing the musty odor of their pages? How they are often nerdy, with glasses and Star Wars hoodies, giving you that nervous sideways glance when they catch you looking? The real bookworms? The archetypal readers?

Well, the guy who just walked through the door is nothing like that.

Let’s back up a little. This day didn’t start out promising at all. Cloudy and dark, with a chilly wind, and I realized too late I had run out of coffee.

Candace Amanda Riley, I told myself sternly, you got this.

But then my car wouldn’t start. And when I arrived at the shop, it was only to find out Annie, the other girl working here, quit. Chris from the coffee shop next door says she eloped to Vegas with a guy she just met.

Let me note here that today it’s Thursday. I mean, come on. Things can’t go that bad on a Thursday. There’s Mondays for that!

So this guy walks in and the day suddenly turns better. The clouds clear, the sun comes out, and he’s standing there, backlit like an angel, a radiance forming a halo around his dark hair, lighting up his face—and his body.