Although I wish we could have stayed in bed all night and day, heck, all weekend-long, it’s party time.


I don’t want to move. Don’t want to leave the warm cocoon of my boys’ bodies and shower, dress, put on a smile and go meet family and all their shenanigans.

Although sure, I’m looking forward to seeing my brother that I haven’t seen in a while, talk to Joel’s sister, see more of Jet’s cousins.

Okay, so now I’m getting excited again.

Even if my parents have decided to pay escorts for sex instead of talking to each other and looking for a way to stay together, apparently.

Argh. Why? Why would they do this? How could they? It’s both pissing me off and breaking my heart.

Thankfully, shoving the boys out of bed and getting ready takes my mind off that business, and by the time we’re all clean and dressed and the doorbell rings, I’m almost calm, and mostly happy for this strange little party.

Joel and his ideas… Okay, I admit it’s touching that he’s gone all out in telling everyone about us and getting to know the folks. Just like his touch and the sincerity in his gaze when he says he loves us, this goes a long way in appeasing our fears.

And I bet he knows it.

He opens the door and steps aside to let his sister and her boyfriend inside. Damn. I’d hoped my parents would arrive first so I could take them aside and talk some sense into them unnoticed.

Joel’s sister is a doll. I’ll never forget seeing her arrive outside their parent’s building the other night with her cute boyfriend, worried about her brother. The girl loves Joel, and anyone who loves Joel is my friend.

Anyone who loves him in a sisterly way, that is. I’m ready to fight any woman, or man, for my claim on him.

Just so we’re clear.

Evangeline makes a beeline for me, her eyes smiling. “Candy. How are you? Do you remember Micah, my boyfriend?”

“Of course.” I shake hands with the guy. His grip is strong, and the way he puts his arm around Evangeline reminds me of the way Joel and Jet hold me.

Jet moves to stand beside me and shakes hands with Micah, too. “Jet,” he mutters. “So?”

“So what?” Micah frowns and shoves blond hair out of his eyes.

“Do we meet your approval?” Jet turns to Evangeline and arches a brow. “Isn’t this freaking you out, that your brother turned out to like guys, too?”

“Jet!” I elbow him in the ribs.

“What?” He’s frowning now, too, all prickly and defensive, the way he gets sometimes. “This is the official introduction to the family.”

I link my arm with his and push up on my toes to kiss his cheek. “And that’s all it is. An introduction.”

“Candy’s right,” Evangeline says, shooting us a warm smile and I decide then and there I want her to be my sister, too. “You don’t need anyone’s approval. But for all it’s worth, you have it. Anyone who makes my brother happy is an instant yes in my book.”

Jet’s cheeks color. “Is he happy, then?”

“Can’t you tell?” Evangeline nods at something behind us. “Ask him yourself.”

“Ask me what?” Joel wraps his arms around us both.

“If you’re happy,” his sister says.

“Happiest man in the world,” he says quietly, and well. There it is.

The truth.

What I needed to hear.