“He told you that? That son of a bitch!”

Her vehemence makes me smile. It eases the pressure in my chest. “He sure did.”

“Joey…” Her voice goes quiet. “You can’t let him manipulate you like this. Oh he’ll be disappointed, make no mistake. You’re his golden boy. He wants you in two dimensions, like a poster on his wall, a trophy on his mantelpiece. But you’re a person. You won’t fit the box he created for you anyway. I know I didn’t.”

“I’m sorry,” I tell her. “You’re my wiser little sister.”

“I know!” She laughs. “But seriously now. Nobody can fit in his box. He created it for an imaginary son. Stop worrying about him and worry about how he’s influencing your life. I’m… I’m proud of you, Joel.”

“What for?” I scoff, pushing away a folder on my desk, rearranging papers. “You left home because of them. You had to suffer them and me preaching at you on how to live your life, and you did the right thing anyway. You’re stronger than me.”

“I never had the pressure you have. The first-born, the man of the house, the star-athlete, the one to fill the shoes Dad always wanted to wear. It’s not fair. They never expected much of me, but of you… Yeah, I’m proud that you made your stand. Just… don’t expect our parents to be.”

I nod, although she can’t see me. They sure won’t. I know that. I only hope for an okay, a never-mind. An attempt to find a connection.

They expected lots from me growing up, but that also gave me confidence. Their belief I could do anything shaped me. I grew up bathed in the warmth of that belief and love. It’s hard to let it go, to say it doesn’t matter.

But Candy and Jet matter more to me. Being happy, easy in my skin matters more.

So I say goodbye to my sis and hang up, pack my things and head for home, the only place with the only peo

ple that’s ever felt like a real home, planning my next move.


“I’ve talked to Holden,” Candy says, swiping a potato from my cutting board, risking her fingers.

“Hey, be careful.” I glare at her. “How come I value your hands more than you do? And who the hell’s Holden?”

“Wouldn’t you wanna know?” She munches on the raw potato, and man, doesn’t that taste awful?

“Do I need to bust someone’s face?” I stop chopping, a wave of irrational anger swamping me. “Am I supposed to know who he is?”

She winks at me and leans back, so of course my gaze dips to her tits, barely covered by her T-shirt, and my anger misfires, losing focus. “My brother.”

“What?” I look up at her face.

“My brother, Holden. He says he’d be happy to come for this get-together you’re organizing. Next week is good for him. He’ll travel over from Seattle. He can sleep on the couch, or at Brylee’s.”

“Next week sounds good,” I mutter. “Evie has already said she’ll do her best to make it.”

“That’s your sis, right? Evangeline?”

“Yeah. What about your parents?”

“They’ll make it. My mom has been asking me when she’ll see you guys again.” Candy makes a face. “I bet she’s dying to exchange more sex tips with Jet.”

“Talking about me behind my back? Naughty.” Jet wanders into the kitchen, eating a banana. “What did I miss?”

“It wasn’t behind your back,” Candy says. “You weren’t here, so we’re perfectly entitled to gossip about you.”

“Gossip?” Jet lifts a brow and stuffs more banana into his mouth. “What about?”

“If the party is next week, say next weekend, could your cousins make it?” I try not to stare at the way he’s mouthing the banana. That’s one huge banana, and I’m getting fucking hard.

“I’ll ask. We’re really doing this, huh?” He chews, and I return my attention to the potatoes I’m chopping, doing my best to ignore my hard dick.

“We are. That okay?”