“Tonight. Now, in fact. I’m not far from your place.”

Those alarm bells inside my head are deafening. “Sure, man. Come on over. I’m about to enter the apartment myself.”

I hope Joel and Candy won’t mind. I also hope they’re not already naked and waiting for me in bed, because damn, that will be hard to resist. I’d be so tempted to lock the door and say to hell with it.

So it’s sort of a relief when I open the door and find Joel watching TV and Candy in the kitchen. She’s talking with someone. Is she on the phone?

Joel seems half-asleep, nodding where he’s slumped back on the couch, so I walk past and poke my head into the kitchen to say hi.

And find Brylee sitting at the kitchen table, a mug of steaming tea in her hands.

Oh fuck.

I mean, okay, no problem. I can drag Riddick into the bedroom and close the door for some privacy. I assume he’ll want privacy. I assume that something’s fucking wrong, or he wouldn’t be on his way here.

Can’t remember him ever visiting me before, and I sure as fuck don’t think he’s coming over for tea and cookies.


“Hey, Jet.” Brylee has spotted me and waves before I slink away. “Come sit with us.” She lowers her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Joel is asleep. On the couch!”

I lean against the door frame and Candy smiles at me, stepping close to give me a quick kiss on the cheek.

Man, I feel cheated. I really fucking wanted sex tonight. Hopefully we can make up for lost time later.

“He’s out,” Brylee goes on, giggling. “I poked him and he didn’t stir.”

“You poked him.” All my protective instincts are up and roaring at me, and I tell them to go fuck themselves. Brylee is like a bunny. A poke from a bunny does not a threat pose.

Or whatever.

“Yeah. Boop. On the arm. He didn’t even open his eyes. And the TV is still playing.”

I open my mouth to tell Brylee where to shove it, but a look from Candy has me shutting up before I begin.

Yeah, I’m in a mood. It’s a sure sign of sex withdrawal.

Maybe someday, when I’m ninety and use a walking stick, I won’t get a boner every time I see or think of Candy and Joel.

But this is not that day.

“S’up, Brylee?” I nod at her. “How’s Pink?”


“You know. Pink hair, conflicted personality.”

“Oh Simone’s fine.” Brylee sips at her tea. “Again. She’s fine again. She had a small accident with a dildo.”

I grin. “Do tell.”

“Bry…” Candy is gesturing at Brylee and making faces.


“Well, she got this dildo, but it got stuck…” Brylee waves a hand vaguely. “I’m not sure I understood how. Anyway, she’s home recovering, and I came to talk to Candy since she never comes to talk to me anymore.”

“Bry!” Candy looks torn between laughing and screaming. Her cheeks are red as she turns away to the sink and pours herself a glass of water. “Don’t act like you never see me.” She shoots me a quick glance and I can see mirth and exasperation in her pretty eyes. “Bry needed a shoulder to cry on.”