So unlike Candy’s taste. She’s sweet. Love her taste, God… I’d love to kiss Jet, eat up that spice, and then kiss her to wash it down with her sugar.

I’m so fucked.

After leaving the office, I sit in my car for a while, trying to come to grips with this realization and only panicking more.

At a loss for what to do next, I grab my phone and call my sis. We don’t see each other much, lately, and that’s largely my fault. I’ve been so wrapped up in this thing with Jet and Candy, I’ve not been returning her calls and texts.

I don’t know why, but I need to hear her voice.

She picks up on the second ring. “Joey! Where have you been? I’ve missed you, big brother.”

I grin, padding over to the window to stare out at the faint lights of the street below. “Missed you, too, Evie. What’s up? How’s Micah?”

That’s her boyfriend. I’ve never seen my little sis so in love before. He’s a good guy. I wasn’t convinced at first, swayed by my parents’ vehement opposition to Evie dating him. He’s a poor, young inker at Zane Madden’s Damage Control tattoo shop, and the fact he’s an orphan and spent some time on the streets was enough reason to believe he’s trash, or so my parents insisted. So did Evie’s ex-boyfriend and ex-buddy of mine.

I’m glad I listened to my own mind in the end and helped them be together. I’m happy for them. I wish I had something like that.

And when did I turn into such a sap, huh? Fuck.

“Joey. You there?”

“Uh huh.” I turn away from the window, pinch the bridge of my nose. “Sorry, long day.”

“What’s on your mind?” A pause. “You’ve found someone, haven’t you?”

I’d deny it, but my sis knows me too well. “Yeah, well.”

“So Ellen is finally in the rear-view mirror?”

“Yup.” I huff, run my fingers through my hair. “I know you never liked her.”

“Nothing against her,” Evie says, chuckling. “I just knew she wasn’t the one for you.”

“And who is the right one for me, huh?”

“Dunno. Only you can know that. The one that makes your heart pound, and your knees weak, that turns your brain to mush and you can’t think of anything but her. The one you worry about, you want to look good for, the one you want to kiss and have wild sex with… Are you taking notes, Joey? I’m not going to repeat myself.”

I laugh. “Gotcha, sis. And if…” I lick my lips, my mouth suddenly dry. “And if I felt that way about a guy, what would you…?” Ah fuck. “Forget it.”


That one word, my name, stops me from hanging up. I force myself to stand still, keep the phone against my ear. Waiting.

“Joey, it’s okay.”

“It’s not. I’m not a faggot, and I’m not a pervert. I just… I can’t…”

> “It’s really okay.”

“No, you don’t get it. I’m not saying there is a guy. Or a girl. Shit. Fuck.”

She makes an excited sound. “Don’t you dare hang up. I have things to say.”

I groan. “Fine. But Evie—”

“It’s okay to like both girls and boys.”

“It’s sick.”