She leans back. “I have a question, then. See, I’ve been wondering… If I use a dildo, do I still count as a virgin?”

A hush falls over the room.

I stare at Brylee. “You’re a virgin?”

Jet’s grin turns sharper. “Saving your cherry for your prince? Ryan, was it?”

Oh dammit. I hadn’t thought of that. Candy let slip that Brylee believes in fairytales, and love that was meant to be. Also in princes riding on unicorns and fucking fairies.

This girl is seriously messed up in the head. I’d blame her parents, but I don’t know them. I mean, look at Candy’s mom. Candy’s nothing like her. Clear proof right there that parents aren’t to blame for everything.

And then look at my parents. Or even worse, Jet’s dad.

Okay, better not visit that topic. Red mist descends over my eyes at the memory of how his dad tried to kill him, how I almost lost him—

“Saving my cherry for my prince isn’t as bad as you make it sound,” Brylee says, giving a dreamy smile.

“You could always try anal,” shy Simone says. “You know. While waiting.”

I blink at her. Wait, did she just say that?

“That’s an idea,” Brylee agrees. “But I’m saving that, too.”

“Why, thinking of taking two guys on at once, like Candy?” Simone chews on her lower lip. “Double cherry-popping?”

I blink again. “Uh…” I close my mouth again, not sure what I wanted to say.

“Simone!” Brylee manages to look affronted. “Of course I’m not taking two guys at once. Just… stop talking about anal, okay?”

Jet starts chuckling, leaning back in the armchair. “Jesus Christ. You two girls are mental.”

You can say that again.

“What’s up?” Candy asks, bustling in with a tray and I get up to help her, leaving Jet still chuckling.

“Nothing, just chatting with your friends.” I get the tray from her and she slips back into the kitchen to grab the milk. “You never mentioned Simone. She’s something.”

“Oh, we’ve just met in African American Studies class, but she’s been friends with Brylee since summer.”

“Is she Brylee’s new roommate?”

“Oh, no. Bry hasn’t decided yet what to do about the apartment.”

Really? She’s taking her sweet time, then. Candy moved out weeks ago, but hell, to each their own. If Brylee has money to waste on the rent of a two-bedroom apartment, kudos to her.

And I still wanna kick her ass out to the curb, together with her shy-but-not-really friend, grab Jet and Candy caveman-like and drag them to the bedroom. I wanna lock the door and throw away the key, and not surface for a month.

Damn, it almost sounds as if I’m trying to hide from the world. From reality.

But that’s not it, I tell myself, listening with half an ear as Candy sits with the other two girls on the sofa and steers the conversation to more innocent topics, like their class, and the nutty professor teaching it. I’m not trying to hide from anything.

Why the hell would I?

Chapter Six


Being in a relationship means relaxing your guard and laying down your weapons. Trusting the other person to have your back. Accepting you’re not at war with the universe anymore.