“I’m sure,” Joel says, and I nod.

She’s pretty, she’s funny, she’s hot, and I love her pink glasses. Her heart, though. Her heart is gold, and her smile is real whenever she turns it on us. I want her forever. I hope she knows. I’ve never been good at expressing my feelings.

Never had feelings for any girl like I do for her.

I fucking love her.

Chapter Four


“We’ll need a bigger place,” J-One says. “Maybe a house.”

“What for? Not enough space in our new bed for your favorite sex positions?” J-Two smirks. “A bigger shower might be nice, though. More shower sex. That’s my vote.”

J-One gives a long-suffering sigh. “Not for that, asstwat. For our future kids. With Candy. They’ll need space.”

“Damn.” J-Two’s face softens. “You got a point there, amigo. We’ll need a fucking big place…”

(Candy’s Note: What’s up with the Mexican references, huh? No idea where they came from, I swear.)

From Candy Ever After (Unpublished epilogue to the serial Candy Boys)

“So wonderful to see you boys again,” my mom gushes, face wreathed in smiles. “We didn’t get a chance to see you properly earlier.”

“Not dressed, anyway,” my dad mutters darkly.

Oh my God, he saw us, too? “Dad—”

“He’s just being contrary,” Mom says dismissively.

“Contrary seems to have an entirely different meaning for you than it does to most people,” Dad says. “I only saw something I can’t unsee.”

“That’s because he feels inadequate,” Mom says in a theatrical whisper.

Oh boy, can the earth open up and swallow me now, please?

“I don’t feel inadequate. My cock is just as big as that of the next guy.”

“But the next guy does get excited and hard,” Mom says, taking a sip of her water. “Which you do not.”

“Mom! Stop this.”

“What, talking? I would, if someone else did the talking. This is like a gathering of the deaf and mute.”


“Such a waste of time, when we could be finding out more about your lovely boyfriends. Right, boys?” She elbows Joel in the ribs, and he chokes on the water he’s been sipping. “Did you get it on after we left? Was it good?”

“Oh God.” Flames lick at my face. “You have no business asking my boyfriends if we fucked, Mom.”

“Didn’t you?”

“Of course we did. Twice.” Shit, my mouth is going out of sync with my brain, I can tell. Have to stop it. “I mean, not really.”

“Not really? What the fuck does that mean?” Jet mutters, dark eyes narrowing.

“Jet,” Joel says in a warning tone.