When I was still hopeful, when I still believed it was fine to lust after two handsome guys and want them both. That trying to get them wasn’t stupid.

That I was a sex kitten with claws and I could dress to show it.


Stupid or not, the next day Donna whistles when I enter the shop and put my purse behind the counter.

“What happened to you?” She winks at me and flickers her tongue in and out like a snake.

Creepy. “No idea what you mean.”

“Yes, you do. Are we expecting Very Important Visitors?”

“VIV?” I sigh. “Nope. Can’t a girl dress for herself?”

“No,” Donna says matter-of-factly, scrolling through her emails. “Or we’d be lounging around braless, in yoga pants and with greasy hair every day. Hey, wanna hear the newest in the resume world?”

“How about I go grab us some coffee first?”

“Nah. You should wait.”

Baffled, I linger at the door of her office. “For what?”

“You’ll see,” she says cryptically, because she sometimes likes acting like an oracle and asshole all wrapped in one. It’s a hobby of hers.

Sighing deeply, I go flip the door sign to OPEN and make sure everything’s ready. “Whatever.”

Two minutes later, the door chimes and a familiar set of broad shoulders fills the opening. Dark, floppy hair, blue eyes, a panty-melting grin, cheeky dimple.

Two Styrofoam cups with lids on.

“Morning, ladies.” He thrusts the cups toward me. He’s a gorgeous sight, in his work suit, gray pants and blue shirt, gray tie, polished shoes… Woo. I’ve never seen him dressed up for work, and he sure cleans up good.

Very good. Way better than my imagination ever made him out to be.

This day is getting hotter by the minute.

“Good morning,” I say uncertainly, not sure what’s going on, and making sure to check my chin for drool. Joel Kingsley is back, and he’s… brought us coffee?

Donna appears and grabs one cup. “Thank you, sweetie.” She winks at me and wanders back into her office.

Leaving me all alone with him.

“This one’s for you,” he says, and I take the cup, my hand shaking. My name is scrawled on the side. “Lots of milk, sugar and cinnamon.”

“How do you know how I like my coffee?” I blurt out.

“She told me.” He nods in the direction of Donna’s office. “I asked.”

“But why?”

He steps closer, looking down at me, his blue eyes darkening. His chest is a wall of muscle, pecs straining through the fine fabric of his shirt. I want to grab his tie and pull him down for a kiss. I want to put my hands on his chest, feel its strength under my palms.

I take a sip from my coffee.

Scald my tongue.

“Oh shit!” I jerk back, slap a hand over my mouth and manage to slosh hot coffee from the tiny opening of the cup cover on my hand.