And God help me, so do I.

Chapter Sixteen


Title: Where Are the Fairies?

From Candy Boys (Blog serial)

“This ain’t no fairytale,” J-One drawls. “Betcha people in fairytales don’t fuck all the time.”

“Stop being a caveman for a minute,” J-Two mutters. “We don’t fuck all the time. What about that kiss we shared last night, huh?”

I lift my hand. “That kiss totally counts.”

But if it was a fairytale, wouldn’t the kiss mean we’ve reached a happy ending?

Brylee was drunk when I got home last night, and her rambling didn’t really make any sense—except for this: Ryan told her he wasn’t interested, and it was clearly the end of the world.

Now it’s morning time, and she’s avoiding me. When I knock on her bedroom door, she doesn’t respond.

I push it open and enter anyway. I know she’s up—I saw her earlier with a cup of tea and her cell phone in her hand.


She’s curled up on her bed, ginger locks messy. “I don’t want to talk,” she mutters.

“Well, I do. You said very little last night.” And you pulled me away from my fantasy boyfriends before anything much happened, which sucks balls, but I’m not telling her this when she’s down already.

Plus, I’m confused enough as it is. They both kissed me. Was it a contest? Was it a test? Did it mean anything at all—or were they as tipsy as I was and fooling around?

Strange how I want it to mean something. Fantasy or not, I like these boys. I love how they care for each other. And they’re both so hot… God, it’s enough to make a girl stupid with lust.

Stupid, period.

“I’m so angry with him,” she whispers. She’s checking messages on her phone, and she’s made up like she’s about to head to a club—but her eyes are red-rimmed.

Oh, Bry…

I sit down beside her and squeeze her shoulder. “Talk to me. I’m your friend. I’m supposed to suffer from your incessant chatter and hold your hair back from your face when you puke your drunken ass off after parties. Don’t make me lose my job.”

She sniffs, but her mouth quirks. “I didn’t puke last night.”

“There will be another time, don’t worry.” I pat her back. “Now… Ryan. What the hell happened?”

“He’s an ass.”

“What did he do?”

“He won’t go out with me.”

“You asked him?” Somet

imes she’s so conservative I never thought she’d break tradition and be the one to do the asking.

“Couldn’t wait forever, could I?” She turns toward me, shutting off her phone and shaking it at me. “He should have asked me out already. I was only speeding things up a little.”

“He just said no?”