“Fuck. Need to come,” he grinds out, his hands clenching against the sofa cushions. “You crazy fucker. Get off me.”

“Fine. Suit yourself.” I’m more horny than angry, but I’m seriously put out by these people. First Candy runs off, now Joel. Given I want them both plastered on me, touching me, fucking me and getting fucked by me, I’m fucking annoyed.

And did I mention horny? My balls ache, and my dick’s dripping so much I have a stain on the front of my jeans.

I climb off him awkwardly, my head more than a little buzzed after all. Has to be why I threw caution to the wind and groped Joel, then told him I’m about to play with some sex toys if he wants to watch. Don’t I have any shame?

Looks like I don’t, not when I’m drunk. Huh.

Because even as I’m thinking all this, even as Joel straightens and glares at me, I’m turning around and heading to my room.

If he doesn’t care about coming, his loss.

Sexy idiot.


Closing the door to my room, I head straight to my closet and rummage inside before yanking out the small box with my secret helpers. I open the box and upend it on the bed, dumping everything on the quilt.

I’ve rarely used anything but the dildo, but tonight? I need, and fuck caution anyway. I need some pain, I need something to fill up the void.

A slim vibrator I haven’t used in ages catches my eye. Yeah, this. And what are those? Oh yeah. I lift the small nipple clamps, connected with a slim steel chain. Why the hell not?

I strip quickly, pulling my T-shirt off and throwing it to the floor, then pushing down my pants, freeing my hard cock. I give it a good squeeze, my breath coming out in a long hiss, and I sit back on the bed, not sure where to start.

My dick is weeping, so yeah, the clamps can wait. Not sure I want them yet.

I grab my bottle of lube from the box and squeeze out a good amount in my hand, then spread it on the vibrator and spread my legs.

The blunt head of the vibrator penetrates me, sleek and cool, the sensation making my toes curl. I push it in deeper and activate it.

A deep moan escapes me. I grab my dick and start stroking myself. I’m so close, so fucking close.

A noise has me opening my eyes. Shit, I hadn’t realized they’d fallen shut.

The door to my room is opening, and Joel is standing there, frozen.

“Holy fucking hell, Jet.” His voice is faint. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like? I’m…” My voice breaks on another moan. Damn this vibrator is good, though I need something bigger, something hot. I need Joel, goddammit. “Fuck.”

“What the…” He approaches the bed, and I can’t move, can’t do anything but keep stroking myself. “Oh hell, dude.”

I expect him to turn around and go. Move out. Move to another country, perhaps.

What I don’t expect is for him to sit on the bed and lean back, cupping his hard-on. “Jesus Christ,” he whispers, his eyes slightly wide. “You do that often?”

“Why?” I lick my lips. “Wanna give it a try?”

He shakes his head so fast it’s fucking funny. “Doesn’t it hurt?”

“Hurt? It feels fucking good.” I release my dick to brush my hand over the vibrator, and it slips a bit deeper, making me groan out loud. “You came,” pant, “here,” pant, “to watch?”

“I came to see if you were okay, but…” He bites his lip, and damn that’s distracting. “Jet.”

“Wha?” My eyes are falling shut again. My balls are drawn up tight. I tug harder on my dick, my breath catching.

“Goddammit, you’re hot,” he says, unless I’m imagining the words, this whole encounter in my room, and I manage to open my eyes just enough to see him unzip his pants and take out his cock.