“No, it’s not, dammit.” I breathe against her fingers, and she shivers. She rubs them over my mouth, covers it with her palm. “It’s just…too many changes these past days. And Joel…” Fuck. Fuck.

“What about Joel?”

“Nothing.” I want him. I want you. And I don’t know what he really wants.

“I will help you.” My brows arch, but she won’t let me speak. “With your lessons. With the reading. With the books. And I’ll talk to Donna. Keep her off your back.”

I shift on the bench, my trapped cock aching. I could use some help there, too, especially when she slips her thumb between my lips, stroking the inside. I suck on her smooth flesh, groan around it.

She pulls it out, her eyes round like saucers behind her glasses. A flush has spread on her neck and chest, and her nipples are so hard they poke through her clothes, drawing my gaze.

What is she doing to me? I never thought I’d want anyone the way I want Joel, but she’s gaining another foothold in my thoughts every day, and her face and voice fill my fantasies at night.

“You don’t have to do this,” I tell her, breathless. What is this game she’s playing with me? If she touches me again, I might just come in my pants. Or I may tell her more, tell her everything.

Fuck, no.

“Have you considered that I may want to help you?” Her hand hovers over my chest, and has she realized how hard I’m panting, how hard I am?


“Because.” She gets up, leaving me hard and aching and confused. The darkness in her eyes is shocking. It matches the darkness writhing inside me, and her voice is so low I barely hear it as she turns to go. “I want you.”

Chapter Thirteen


Title: Heavenly Promises

From Candy Boys (Blog serial)

“I want you,” I tell J-One, straddling his strong thighs and grinding myself on his cock, so hard and hot through his pants. “Now.”

“Then you’ll have me,” he says with a smirk and kisses me, then grabs J-Two and hauls him closer. “You’ll have both of us.”

Sounds like heaven.

I shouldn’t have said that. Shouldn’t have done that, offered to help. Touched his face. Seen how turned-on he was, how he fought not to touch me back.

This is turning into a constant. And next time I’m not sure I will be able to stop myself from climbing on his lap and going at it.

I’m so worked up, I’m glad we’re about to close shop and go home. I need relief, and if the two hunks I’m lusting over won’t give it to me, I’ll have to take things into my own hands.


Depressing as the thought might be, a tiny spark of warmth blooms in my chest. Jethro is opening up to me. Telling me truths about him. It was a shock to find out he hasn’t finished school, and somehow even worse to find out he has problems with reading—but it fits. With his black clothes, his tattoos, his unreadable gaze, his mystery.

It’s like his past is an invisible thorn tearing him apart, and although I know that people fail school for various reasons, I trust my gut.

There’s so much more behind those dark eyes than he lets on.

And he’s fighting it. Fighting to move on, to get ahead. Before I even digested the fact he never finished school, he’s telling me he’s preparing for his GED.

And before I finish offering to help, he tells me he took this job to see me again.

If only he knew… if he knew I approached him aware of who he is. Of the fantasies I’ve entertained over the years with him and Joel starring…

Donna waves goodbye—she has a charity event to attend, and Jethro and I are closing shop tonight—and walks out quickly. I make a mental note to talk to her about Jethro and convince her that he lost his diploma, to give him some time to locate it.