“Really. And boys?”

“Who cares about boys? I’m talking about chicks, man.”

Jet throws the control on the sofa and gives me a shit-eating grin. “This one’s for the boys.”

“What the hell?” He killed me. Son of a bitch got me killed in the fucking game. “Dickbag.”

He wags his brows. “This boy just done you in.”

I pass by the bookstore to bring Candy some cake and pick Jethro up for an evening run, only to find out he left early. Twatface probably forgot he agreed to the run tonight.


But Candy seemed worried, asking me if everything’s okay with Jet, and that set my inner worrier off.

Dammit, he has seemed off lately. Tired and wired, lashing out at everything, drinking more than he has in years. I assumed it was the change of jobs, and Jet not liking change, but that’s not all, is it?

Candy said he mentioned having to take care of some things.

What things? Am I missing something? Is it a dark anniversary of some sort? Jet has his rituals when it comes to those, although since we became roommates he appeared to relax a little.

I gave Candy my number, asking her to call me if he comes back.

She has said nothing about me bringing her cake. Or coffee in the morning. Or our last kiss and the fact I told her she should be with Jet.

There’s a heaviness in my chest. I can’t get her face out of my head. But I know I did the right thing.

So why does it feel so wrong?

I call his cell phone, but he doesn’t pick up. I drive to the apartment, only to find it empty. I pace up and down the living room, trying to think where else he might be.

My cell rings and I grab it, but the number flashing is unknown.

I connect the call anyway. “Yeah?”

“Joel. Have you found Jethro?”

It’s Candy. Thank fuck. Her voice washes over me, warm and soft, and my body is already tightening at the sound, despite being so wound up about Jet.

“No.” I sink into the couch and pretend not to notice my hardening cock in case it goes away. “He’s not at home.”

“Maybe he had to pick something up.”

“Maybe.” Maybe I’m making a big deal out of nothing. “It’s going to be fine. I’m kinda overprotective with him, that’s all.”

She laughs, a tinkling sparkling sound that makes me smile. “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”


“You practically shoved him at me because you saw us kiss. Made the decision for him. I’d say you’re overprotective.”

That sobers me up. “He deserves to be happy.”

“You said that, yeah. What about you? Don’t you deserve the same?”

“Not as much as Jet,” I say firmly, because it’s the truth. “He’s been through too much.”

Silence stretches, and I wonder if I said too much. I’m never gonna break his trust, no matter how at ease Candy makes me feel.