He yelps when we launch ourselves on him, landing him on his back on the bed and hold him down. He struggles, but relaxes after a while and tugs us to curl against his sides.

I’m asleep before I know anything more.

Chapter Twenty Eight


Title: Finders Keepers

From Candy Boys (Blog serial)

“Harder,” he hisses as J-Two thrusts into him from behind, and he rocks into me with each thrust, so that we’re all connected and our pleasure is pouring from one to the next in a loop that never seems to end.

“Make me come,” I tell them, “make me come, guys.”

Not that they ever say no. Good boys… I think I’m going to keep them.

Joel is making us pancakes and coffee for breakfast. He’s quiet, but he’s here and that’s all that matters.

I can see Jet is relieved, too, trying to hide his smile by stuffing himself silly with pancakes.

I tug on the T-shirt I’m wearing, one of Joel’s that’s hitting me at mid-thigh, and push my glasses up my nose.

Holy shit, it really happened. Joel fucked Jet.

My girly parts throb at the memory. I wish I’d seen it, instead of only feeling it through Jet.

Maybe they’ll do it again? I mean, it’s not like I forced them into it, or even asked them or anything. That was Joel going at it from his own volition.

Has to mean something, right? That he wanted it. That he really wants Jet sexually. I could see his face behind Jet as he fucked him, the raw need in his eyes, the force of his motions. I could barely focus enough to look toward the end, but the sounds they both produced…

Holy shit, so sexy…

The memory heats my blood and warms my face as I rush to dress and drive myself and Jet to work. I can see his cheekbones flushed, too, and I know he’s also remembering last night.

I want to laugh and dance and drive right back to the apartment. Haul both my boys back to bed and start all over again.

Damn you, real life. Why do you have to keep getting in the way with work and adult commitments? I don’t want to adult today.

I want… I want to tell them how I feel. Tell my boys I love them. The thought of anything happening to them has my stomach in knots. The thought of spending time with them makes my heart light.

But I hesitate. Guys often bolt when the L-word is spoken, don’t they? Maybe they don’t feel that way. Maybe they don’t feel anything at all, except lust.

Nah. They do feel something. I just know it, from the way they take care of me, the way they hold me, the way they talk to me.

I steal another glance at Jet. He catches my gaze and smiles.

Boom. Like a bullet to the heart. I reach over, catch his hand, and squeeze. That dark gaze dips to my mouth, to my boobs, back up to my face, and his smile widens.

I can’t help but smile back. “Everything okay?”

“When I have you and Joel…” His gaze dips, the flush on his cheeks deepens. “Then everything’s perfect, Candy pop.”

Perfect. It feels that way for me, too.

“Last night was hot.”

“Sure was.”