“I just don’t think the Northups are such bad people. That’s all.”

“Really? Because they look like nice people from their portrait?”

Ellis frowns. “No.”

“Listen. I get that you think your mother did something bad to them.”

“That’s not – ”

“So you think they’re victims, or maybe you feel like you owe them something. But they’re not poor, innocent people who deserve your pity or your loyalty or whatever. They’re not nice people.”

“How would you know that?”

“Ah, but I do know that. I know that Gabriel Northup is a prick who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. I know that Suzannah Northup loves nothing more than attention and will do anything to get it, that she’s not nearly as sweet as she pretends to be when other people are looking. I know that Vivian Northup has attempted to take her own life no less than three times.”

Ellis gasps.

“And that her children hate her but can’t show it because they’re afraid she might try to take her life again and actually succeed. That Calvin is actually plotting to take all the family fortune for himself. Oh, and Samuel Northup? Yes, he’s a dying old man now, but when he was younger, he was ruthless. He would get rid of anyone who stood in his way.”

Ellis shakes her head. “That can’t be true.”

“How do you think they got this rich?” I ask her.

She doesn’t answer, shock still on her face.

“That’s right, Ellis,” I tell her. “Your perfect Northups aren’t so perfect after all.”

Still no answer. Did she really like the Northups that much?

I let out a sigh and reach for her hand. “I’m sorry, Ellis, but hey…”

She pulls her hand away. “So what if they’re not perfect? I never said they were. So what if Samuel did some bad things when he was younger? I saw him earlier…”

She did?

“And he’s suffering now and all alone. So what if Vivian tried to take her own life? That just means she’s not as strong as she wants to be. But she’s trying. So Gabriel doesn’t get along with his family. That’s not your problem.”


“You’re right. I pity them, but not because they’re helpless or innocent but because they’re suffering. That doesn’t make them bad people, Rainier.”

So she’s still taking their side, is she?

“Fine,” I say. “But just so you know, I punched Gabriel Northup because he was insulting you.”

“Insulting me?” Ellis’s eyebrows arch. “He knows me?”

“He saw you last night.”

“He did?”

Why on earth does she look thrilled about that?

“Let’s just say he had… plans for you, plans I’d rather not repeat.”

Just the thought of them makes my stomach twist in disgust.

“Well, I’m sure he didn’t mean it,” Ellis says. “He doesn’t know me, after all.”

I roll my eyes. Really?

“Whatever,” I tell her.

As frustrating as it is, nothing I can say is going to change Ellis’s mind about the Northups. It’s already made up.

She walks towards the door.

“Where are you going?”

“To check on Gabriel Northup,” she answers.

I grab her arm. “No.”

Who knows what Gabe will do to her when he sees how much she seems to care for him? Besides, if she goes, then me punching Gabe will have been in vain.

Ellis looks at me with wide eyes. “What?”

“You can’t see Gabriel Northup,” I tell her. “I forbid it.”

Her eyebrows crease. “Forbid it?”

“I’m still your fiance, Ellis,” I point out.

“My fake fiance,” she reminds me.

I draw a deep breath. “As far as people know, Ellis, you’re my fiancee. What will they say when they see you with another man, especially the man your fiance punched, hmm? Think.”

She tugs her arm. “I don’t care what they say.”

I tighten my grip and look into her eyes. “Ellis, remember our agreement.”

For a moment, our gazes clash, hers challenging mine. I don’t let up, though, and eventually she looks away with a sigh.

“Fine. I won’t go to him. Let me go. You’re hurting me.”

I let her arm go.

She rubs it and walks to the door.

“Ellis?” I call after her.

“Don’t worry.” She glances over her shoulder. “I’m not going to Gabriel. I’m going to go to Louisa’s room to have my nails done for the party tonight. That’s not a problem, is it? After all, you do want your fiancee to look her best so others won’t have anything bad to say, don’t you?”

The cold resentment in her voice makes my jaw clench. I’d like to pull her back, to keep her in this room until I’ve melted it away, but I can’t argue with what she’s just said. Besides, she looks like she needs some time away from me to simmer down. Hopefully, she’ll have calmed down by later.

I force a smile. “Of course.”

She leaves. I grab the decanter of scotch from the shelf and pour myself a glass.

Chapter 15 ~ One Man’s Poison


I finish my Shirley Temple and deposit the empty glass on a tray. Then I hold a hand over my mouth and try not to burp as I look around the room.