Page 26 of Kitchen Boss

Fuck. Why does Maisie’s grandmother have to be so clever? But of course she is. She was raised by a politician and a college professor. I think that’s also why she thinks she has every right to meddle with my affairs, apart from the fact that she’s Evelyn’s mother.

Betty leaves the room. I follow her. She throws a questioning glance over her shoulder.

“I don’t want you scaring her,” I explain. “Besides, this is my house.”

She can’t prohibit me from going wherever I want.

“Fine, then. Lead the way.”

I lead the way upstairs and find both Cathy and Maisie in Maisie’s bedroom. I gesture for Cathy to come out of the room.

“This won’t take long,” I tell Maisie before closing the door.

“Cathy, I don’t believe we’ve been introduced,” Betty says as soon as all three of us are in the hallway. “I’m Betty, Maisie’s grandmother, the mother of Jackson’s former wife.”

Cathy nods. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“And Jackson tells me you’re his fiancee.”

Cathy grows still. Her wide eyes stray over to me.

I grab her hand. “I know you wanted to keep this a secret, honey, but I’ve decided to tell Betty. She is Maisie’s grandmother, after all. Please don’t get mad at me. It’s for the best, I think.”

I give her hand a squeeze, hoping that that will help convey my hidden message and convince her to go along with this crazy idea I’ve come up with.

“So it’s true, then?” Betty asks her.

I give her hand another squeeze.

“Y-yes,” Cathy finally answers. “We… we’re engaged.”

Betty touches her chin. “I see.”

She glances at Cathy’s hand.

“Where’s your ring?”


“I…” Cathy starts.

“We haven’t told anyone about the engagement yet,” I explain as I place my arm around Cathy’s shoulder. “It only happened recently. Just last week.”

“Oh.” Betty looks into Cathy’s eyes.

I feel her tremble.

“Why do you look so scared?” Betty asks as she notices Cathy’s fear.


“I… Well, I’m sorry, but I’ve never been engaged before,” Cathy answers as she seems to regain her composure. “And I wasn’t ready for this.”

Betty’s eyes narrow. “Not ready for the engagement?”

I glance sideways at Cathy.

“Not ready to meet you,” she elaborates as she squares her shoulders. “I know Jackson’s mother passed away, so I didn’t think I would have to get anyone’s approval.”

“She doesn’t need approval,” I say as I draw Betty’s gaze. “She’s my fiancee, and that’s that.”

“And what about Maisie?” Betty asks. “Does she know about this? Have you asked her if she’s okay with this?”

“We haven’t told her yet,” I answer. “But…”

Suddenly, the door opens. Maisie rushes out and goes straight to Cathy, wrapping her arms around Cathy’s waist.

“Don’t leave,” she begs.

Cathy touches her cheek. “Oh, sweetheart.”

Maisie looks at her grandmother as she hugs Cathy tight. “Don’t make Cathy leave, Grandma.”

I lift an eyebrow. Has she been listening the whole time?

“She’s my friend,” Maisie adds. “I want her to stay here.”

I look at Betty. “You were asking?”

For a moment, she stays silent. Then she sighs.

“Fine. Do as you wish. I better not hear of Maisie being neglected, though, just because there’s a woman in your life.”

“I would never dream of it,” I assure her.

“And she better not be seeing things a child shouldn’t see.”


Betty turns to Cathy. “And I better not hear her say you’re hurting her in any way, or I swear to God I’ll – ”

“I’d never think of hurting her,” Cathy promises. “She’s the sweetest child I’ve ever known.”

Betty draws a deep breath. Then she turns to Maisie.

“I’ll see you again soon, darling.”

Maisie nods.

Betty walks off, head still held high. I follow her.

“I know where the door is, and don’t worry, I’m leaving,” she says after a few steps.

“I wasn’t – ”

“But that doesn’t mean I’m okay with this.” Betty turns around. “This discussion is not yet over.”

“This discussion is unnecessary,” I tell her.

She snorts and turns on her heel. I stop following her, simply watching her leave.

Oh, why did she have to come here today? Why did she have to see me and Cathy like that? And why couldn’t she just believe that Cathy’s presence here isn’t bad for Maisie? Why can’t she just trust me to do what’s best for her?

I let out a sigh. What’s done is done now, though. There’s no stopping this wheel that I’ve started turning, at least not anytime soon.

As I turn around, I see Cathy still standing in the hallway, her arms crossed over her chest. As our eyes meet, she frowns. With that look, she’s almost as scary as Betty.

Great. I’d just gotten back in her good graces and now I’m out again. And this time, I have a feeling she won’t forgive me so easily.

Chapter 7


“What on earth were you thinking?” I ask Jackson as I pace my bedroom.

With each step, my heart races. My thoughts tumble in somersaults.

I’ve been simmering ever since Betty left. I wanted to talk to Jackson right away, but Maisie was there so I did my best to hold my tongue and my temper. Now that she’s asleep in her room, though, I can finally let my thoughts and feelings out. I can finally unleash all this confusion and frustration that have been gnawing at me from inside.