Page 77 of Kitchen Boss

“Business,” I give him the simple answer.

I don’t want to have to explain about Cathy’s hearing. Besides, Simon may be a business partner and an old friend, but I still don’t consider him close enough to give him all the details of my personal life.

He glances at the shopping bags I’m carrying. “Cheese. I guess that’s a chef’s business in Wisconsin.”

“Yep,” I agree. “What about you? What are you doing here?”

Simon shrugs. “Business.”

“I see.”

He taps his fingers on the lid of his laptop. “How’s Cathy?”

I grow still. I know he’s just making small talk and it’s an innocent question, but I can’t forget how interested he seemed in her that last time. Is he still interested in her?

“She’s fine,” I say.

“So she’s handling the break-up well?”

My shoulders tense. How did he know I broke up with Cathy?

“We didn’t really break up,” I tell him.

“Really? I thought the engagement was called off.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Who told you that?”

I notice him pause to think for a moment. “From the website, the one with your groupies.”

I frown. How would they know, though?

“Anyway, it’s good that you’re still engaged,” Simon says.

“Is it?” I ask him suspiciously. “I thought you didn’t want us to get married.”

“I’m against marriage, not against you finding happiness,” he says defensively. “Both of you deserve it after what happened to Trisha.”

Again, my gaze narrows. I don’t know why, but I find it annoying to listen to Simon talk about her.

“I know you met her, but you didn’t really know her, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention her anymore. To me or to anyone else.”

Simon nods. “Okay.”

“Thanks. I have to go.”

I start walking off, then stop.

“Oh, and one more thing.”

“What’s that?”

I glance over my shoulder. “Stay away from my fiancee.”

With my warning delivered, I take my leave. After a few steps, I let out a breath of relief. I’ve been wanting to tell him that since the last time I spoke to him. I’m glad I was finally able to.

Cathy may not have agreed to be my girlfriend or my fiancee yet, but I love her. I’m not going to let anyone take her away from me.

Because I’m still hoping she’ll say yes.

Chapter 21


Jackson really loves me, huh?

I hold the diamond ring between my thumb and my forefinger and examine it against the sunlight drifting in through the window. It glistens.

It really is a beautiful ring, and I have to say I’ve grown used to wearing it. I can’t keep wearing it, though, not until I’ve told Jackson how I feel about him.

How do I feel about him?

I press the ring against my chest as I think of the answer.

I like him. That’s for sure. I like his smile. I like his laugh. I like how thoughtful and caring he is. I like his body.

I shake my head. No, that’s not right. I don’t just like his body. I – what’s the word? – am in awe of his body and all the things it does to mine. Just the thought of Jackson naked makes me blush. The memory of his kisses sends a thrill down my spine.

So I like him. I enjoy his company, in bed and out. I admire him for being a great chef. I’m proud of everything he’s accomplished. I look up to him. I admire him for being such a great father to Maisie. I feel like I’ve known him forever and I want to stay by his side.

Does that mean I love him? Or does that mean we’re just best friends who have amazing sex together?

What is it exactly that makes a couple a couple?

I put the ring back in the drawer and let out a sigh.

I wish Trisha were still around. Maybe she could answer my questions and tell me what to do.

Then again, I know that if Trisha were still around, she’d leave the decision to me. She’d approve of me being with Jackson, I think, but she’d tell me to follow my heart.

In the end, it’s still up to me.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of footsteps racing down the hall. A moment later, the door opens.

“Cathy!” Maisie shouts.

She flings herself into my arms.

“Maisie, darling.” I squeeze her tight. “How have you been?”

She pulls away to give me a wide smile. “I’m glad you’re back. I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Have you?”

“Are you bringing me to daycare today?” she asks.

“No,” I answer.

Maisie frowns.

I touch the tip of her nose. “I’m bringing you to the park. Your daddy insisted that I take one more day to rest.”

Maisie’s face lights up like a Christmas tree. “Yay!”

She throws her arms up in the air and wraps them around me.

“I love you, Cathy.”

My eyebrows arch. How can a child say that with such certainty when I can’t? Is it because she doesn’t know what it means?