“Serious?” He’s eyeing me carefully, and I have no clue what he’s thinking.

I know what I am thinking, though. “It is. For me.”

“Well, damn.” He grins.

No idea what he seems so pleased about.

“You’re not listening, man. I don’t think she feels the same way.”

“Feelings. Well, this is getting better and better.”

Dammit. “Screw you, Tyler.”

Why the hell did I open up to him? True, I know him quite well—he’s almost always here at the shop, and he is a quiet and calm guy. Never heard him yell, never saw him make a threatening move on anyone. Could be why.

“Amber likes you,” another male voice says.

I look up, startled. “What?”

Micah is standing next to Tyler, glaring at me.

Whoa. What crawled up his ass? “Whatever.”

“You heard me. She likes you a lot. She’s head over heels with you. If that’s the girl you’re referring to, and I assume it is, seeing as it’s the only girl you’ve been spending time with.”

“And what’s with the death glare?” I counter-attack, because, damn, I need a moment to process what he just said.

Head over heels? Amber?

“Take a guess. You go through girls like underwear. Amber is Ev’s best friend. This is the mother of all bad ideas.”

Uh-oh. I offended Micah’s righteous sensibilities. Because before meeting Evangeline, he was obviously a hermit in some cave on a mountain, eating insects and hanging out with lions.

“So… you and Amber, huh?” Ah, Zane has joined the beat-Jesse-with-a-righteous-stick party. “Seriously?”

“What do you mean, seriously?” A hot surge of anger shoots up my chest. I slam my fist on the counter. “Fuck off. All of you.”

Micah is still glaring at me, and I know Ev isn’t my biggest fan, but come on. Tyler pulls him away and they vanish somewhere in the shop.

“Told you to play nice with her, didn’t I, fucker?” Zane wanders into the cubicle, and I’d love to throw him out right now, but hell, it’s his cubicle and shop and all.


“Who says I didn’t?”

“We wouldn’t be talking about Amber if there wasn’t trouble.”

“And you naturally assume it’s my fault.” I’m tired of people thinking that before even asking.

“You’re the one with the bad rep.”

“Story of my life.”

“Told you she was hurt in the past.”

And I wasn’t? “You did. I’m not gonna hurt her.”

“You mean you won’t be wrapped around another girl at the wedding reception?”