He’s confusing me. “I dunno, man. Everyone.”

“You mean Amber?”

The mention of her name catches me short. “Amber said that?”

And why the fuck does the thought tighten painfully around my chest like a band of steel?

“Fucker…” Zane shakes his head, his blue Mohawk catching the light of a betting shop behind us. “What’s the story between you and Amber? Spill.”

“There’s no fucking story.” I sit back, disgusted with myself for my moment of weakness and stupidity. “Why are you asking?”

“You seem interested in her, is all. Very interested.”

“And how’s that weird?”

“First time you do that, fucker. You may chase after every single skirt in town, but you never seemed to want to actually talk to a chick before.”

Amber…doesn’t think I’m funny. Doesn’t fall for my teasing. Sometimes I think she hates my guts. It’s safe. As safe as it can be when my dick is hard as a rock every time I see her.

“I have no fucking clue what you mean by that.”

“Yeah, I think you damn well do.” Zane throws the stub of his cigarette down and crushes it under his black boot. “You followed Amber to the ladies’ restroom, but chrissakes.”

“I was just checking on her.”

“Yeah, right.” Zane snorts. “You dig her, don’t you? More than other chicks. You wanna get into her pants because she’s so serious, is that it? Fess up. I know how your mind works.”

I shake my head, because no, that’s not it, and besides, nobody knows how my mind works, including me. “It’s just… she reminds me of someone.”

Though for the life of me I can’t remember who that might be, and why am I telling this to Zane, after all? Wasn’t I all set on keeping my thoughts to myself? Shit.

“What, like you knew her before?”

“I doubt it.” If anything, I wouldn’t have forgotten such a pretty face coupled with those sexy curves… And there goes my mind down the gutter, ’cuz, man, I really wouldn’t mind getting into her pants at the end of the day.

“As long as you’re not thinking of jumping her bones and then walk out, like you normally do. She’s Ev’s friend, for fuck’s sake, and she’s had her share of rough times, so play nice, okay?”

He gets up and stretches his long frame.

Play nice. Okay, so now it makes sense. It’s not me he’s worried about. It’s Amber. After all, he always looks out for his own.

Am I one of his own? He acts like I am, but the doubt can never leave me alone.

Then his words sink in.

“A rough time? What sort of rough time? What the hell do you mean?” My heart is booming, and I don’t know why. “Zane.”

But the asshole is already walking away, his warning ringing in my ears and more questions than before crowding my aching head.



When I unlock the apartment door and trudge inside, the first thing I hear is the unmistakable sound of a headboard thumping rhythmically on the wall, and long, loud moans. I’m frankly amazed at the volume two naked people can produce at one in the fucking morning.

Ah, home sweet home.

I stand in front of Travis’s door and bang on it. “Hey, asshole! Have you thought about taking a break once in a while? Your dick will fall off from overuse.”