“Ev should’ve explained the rules. I’m so gonna kick that girl’s ass,” my new roommate says and leaves me on the couch gaping after her. “We’ll discuss rule number two later.”

Like hell.


“Isn’t Kayla awesome?” Ev gushes, her arm around my shoulders as we walk down the street in the late afternoon. Summer is approaching and the breeze is balmy, brushing over my face with invisible fingers.

“She’s cool.” I chew on my lip, thinking about what she said.

Eye-candy. Cassie wanting him. Hell, every girl dying to touch him.

“Something the matter?”

I shrug against her arm. I don’t let many people get as close to me as Ev, but I’ve known her for most of my life. We went to the same elementary school, then high school. Her family lived a street away from mine. I trust her like few people in the world.

“She can be a bit too much sometimes,” Ev concedes to my unspoken doubt. “Did she give you the rules of roommateship?”

I grin despite my misgivings. “Yep. Be honest about boys, never wash dishes in the morning…”

“…Your stuff is my stuff, and my stuff is my stuff, too…”

“…Wednesday is romantic comedy and ice cream night.” I giggle. “Is she serious?”

“Deadly. Plus she changes the rules as she goes, on a whim.”

I fall silent, wondering if this cohabitation thing will work out. Doubtful.

“On some days you may want to assassinate her,” Ev says, steering me toward the entrance of a café. Crescendo, reads the sign over the door. “But on the whole she’s good fun, you’ll see.”

I nod vaguely as we move between small, crowded tables, the air thick with voices and laughter. Freshly-ground coffee and a whiff of vanilla scent the air, underlain with a layer of sweat and human breath.

My hand strays up to my throat, to my choker. I made this one two months ago, when I took my decision to return to Madison. My fingers stroke the smooth planes of the copper plate. I breathe out.

“Here they are,” Ev exclaims, and I recoil. Shit, I thought we’d have a quiet coffee, just the two of us. “Come on.”

“Ev, who’re “they”?”

“Micah, Ocean and Cassie. Micah texted me they’d be here.” She sends me a bright smile. “Don’t be grumpy. They’re nice guys.”

“I bet they are.” Sometimes I wonder if there’s any place in the world for the antisocial like myself.

I let her drag me to their table, and I nod at them, hoping my smile doesn’t look fake. Normally Ocean’s pretty face and crazy hair would be the first thing I’d notice, but since Kayla’s comment I find my gaze drawn to Cassie.

She’s so perfect, blonde and blue-eyed, skin smooth and pale, and a petite body that seems to have all the right curves. If she likes Jesse, then I guess it’s a given fact they’ll end up together. Beautiful people tend to gravitate

toward each other.

Besides, they apparently even think alike. A match made in heaven.

No reason why the thought of him with another girl should sting like broken glass. None at all.

I find myself seated between Ev and Ocean. He leans in and smiles warmly.

“Didn’t get a chance to talk to you at the party.” His voice is light, his eyes and hair the color of summer sky. “I’m Ocean Storm.”

“Ocean Storm? Really?”

He winces and shifts away. “Yeah, really.”