Zane waits until they fade away. Asher and Audrey are looking at him solemnly, and I wonder if they know what he’s about to say.

“I also know the groom and bride might want to give a speech, but who the hell cares? They’ve said more than enough for one evening, if you want my opinion, and I bet they’re dying to be on their way to their wedding reception. They can’t believe I’m keeping you for this stupid shit, can you, guys?”

A round of laughter begins as he grins and waves at the couple. Asher flips him off and shakes his head, snickering.

“I don’t have any funny stories to tell you about the groom. His only saving grace is loving Audrey and having such an awesome kid with her. Well done, Ash, you fucker.”

More laughter. Hooting. A few shocked exclamations.

“As for how he met Audrey, well that’s a long story and who cares anyway? Main thing is they’re here now, right? I mean…” His voice softens, as does his face, and his gaze goes distant. “Now isn’t a good time for bad memories, and I don’t wanna get all misty-eyed and shit, but there were moments I thought we’d lost Ash for good. Especially one cold winter night when things turned to shit and he went missing. We thought… We thought we’d be too fucking late, because…” He swallows hard, and the crowd is silent, barely breathing. “Because Audrey and I hadn’t realized how close he’d come to dying this time.”

A collective gasp. I glance at Asher to see his reaction and find him wrapped around Audrey and their baby, his face hidden in her hair.

Oh God.

“We looked everywhere,” Zane goes on, his voice wavering, “and snow was falling. It was goddamn cold. But Audrey never lost faith we’d find him, and we did. Right here, behind a tree.” He points, and we all strain to look into the darkness beyond the glare of the spotlights. “Because Ash loves the water and Audrey had a hunch he’d come here. That’s how we found him, and how we find ourselves here today: Audrey saved Asher from death and they lived happily ever after.”

We all start to clap, and Christ, tears are running down my cheeks. A sniffle escapes me.

“Embers.” Jesse turns me around in his arms, hugs me close. “Come here.”

Zane is saying something about having the toast at the reception later, but all I know is Jesse’s heart booming against my own, his hands sliding up my back, over my shoulders, smoothing my hair back from my face. The way he’s looking at me is doing funny things to my insides.

“We’re here now, too,” he whispers, and I shake my head without thinking, because what I think he’s saying… “Embers?”

“We are,” I say and kiss him. He sighs, tugging me closer, then draws back just enough to undo the knot on his leather bracelet. “What are you doing?”

“Give me your hand.” I lift it, and he ties the band around my wrist. “There. Rub it when you feel scared. It’ll keep you safe.”

“JJ…” I gape at him. I remember his reaction when I returned it to him. “Why? This means a lot to you.”

“You mean even more,” he says and smiles.


“So where’s the wedding reception being held?” I ask as the newlyweds return to the limo and speed away. “I didn’t catch the name of the restaurant.”

I read the invitation twice, but the name of the place didn’t stick. Too many new names to retain in these past few weeks.

Besides, I’m distracted by the warm leather band on my wrist. His leather band. His talisman. There’s a burning behind my eyes I’m trying to ignore. This boy… He’s hacking down every defense I own.

“Hm… The reception won’t be at a restaurant.” Jesse glances distractedly around as the crowd departs in a wave of perfume and clickety high heels. “It’s at a house. Belongs to a friend of Dakota’s.”

Dakota. Zane’s spunky girlfriend. I catch a glimpse of her in a short black lace dress that leaves her back bare and reveals a huge tattoo of wings covering it. She’s holding the bouquet Audrey threw. She was the one who caught it.

Zane had picked her up, then, and spun her around, everyone laughing and yelling at him to propose.

So he went down on one knee and proposed on the spot. Dakota went into hysterics and couldn’t speak for ten minutes, until Zane picked her up upside down and she shouted yes so loudly I bet the people in cars passing nearby must have heard her.

It was hilarious, and again touching. I never thought I could have such fun at a wedding.

Or that I’d be left thinking. There’s so much love going around in this little group. These boys are so nice behind their tough exteriors.

The exact opposite of the guys who bullied me at my school, boys with trendy clothes and clean hairdos, hiding so much senseless violence and craziness.

Then of course my mind returns to Nick, and I shudder.

“Okay.” I need a distraction. Weren’t we leaving? “Are we catching a cab? Do you know how to get to this house?”