
Telling Mel to hold the taco fort and that I’ll be in late, I head to St. Mary’s.

Mel… is important to me. He used to feed me when I was hungry. I’d pass by late, and he’d give me his leftovers. I owe him, and even though the pay is damn low, I wouldn’t dream of leaving him without help.

Zane doesn’t know this. There’s a lot he doesn’t know about me.

On my way to the hospital, I feel an itch between my shoulder blades as if someone is watching me. Following me.

Which is laughable. I check over my shoulder, just in case, and think I see a shadow skulking away, but that’s bullshit. Why would anyone follow me?

St. Mary’s emergency room is packed when I walk inside. I see Jason the moment he spots me, too, and we move toward each other. He looks frazzled and out of place, dressed in his skin-tight, ripped jeans and silver tank top, showing off his tats and scars.

“Whatcha doing here?” He sounds brisk and gruff, but the relief is shining out of his face. “Didn’t think you’d come.”

“Yeah well, here I am.” I shove my hands into my pant pockets. “Just because I don’t live on the street anymore doesn’t mean I don’t fucking care.”

He shrugs. I don’t think he believes me. “I’d do the same in your shoes, man,” he says. “Get out as fast as I can and not look back.”

Right. So much for getting through to him. “Where’s Mia?”

“This way. They’re about to discharge her. She’ll be okay.”

You wouldn’t think it by looking at her. A slight girl with short, dark hair and large green eyes, beaten black and blue. A bandage over her eye is hiding stitches, and the way she’s holding herself hints at bruised ribs.

Pressure is building in my chest. Rage. I have to do something about this. These are my people, no matter what Jason thinks. I can’t let this happen again.

But what the fuck can I do? How can I take them off the street and protect them from life’s blows? Even if I used up the money I’ve saved…

The money I saved for myself. To protect myself.


I stare at Jason, who’s helping the girl fill out forms and shit, his face lined with concern, without really seeing them, thoughts buzzing inside my skull like angry bees.

I know what I have to do, and to hell with being afraid. Time to act.

Chapter Seventeen


“You can do this.” Staring into the full-length mirror of my bedroom, I assess my appearance one last time.

Of course, that’s what I told myself five minutes ago, too.

Kayla said I look good enough to eat. That’s good, right? I smooth down my short silver dress, pat my pendant—made by moi—wiggle my painted toes in my strappy sandals, and remember how Jesse stared at me when I tried the dress on at the shop.

Like he was drinking me up with his eyes. And God, he’d looked so unbelievably handsome in his new shirt and pants.

Despite my best efforts, I peek at my watch again, checking the time. Will he keep his promise, take me to the wedding?

When he walked out of here yesterday morning without a word, after the night we spent together, I got his number from Ev and called him, but he never picked up.


My face heats at the memory of his body moving against mine, inside mine, of the things he said.

Of course, after that, I had to go and open my big mouth, question everything. I’m beginning to regret it now—but worse still, I may have been right to think this isn’t anything important to him.