I hug him tight. “Thank you. I’m staying at my brother’s. I’m okay.”

He nods, a flicker of emotion—disappointment? relief?—flashing over his face. “Whatever makes you feel more comfortable.”

I sense more under his words, but don’t press it. “How’s Seth doing?”

“They’re thinking of releasing him tomorrow.” He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me toward the donut place. “They’re a bit worried about the bruising in his kidneys.” His throat works.

I don’t know what to say to make this better.

We enter the donut shop, order our coffees, and step out to sit on the cold bench. Seems like years since we first sat here together. Silence stretches between us, easy and full.

Micah puts his Styrofoam cup on the table and stares down at it. He seems to be struggling with something.

“I’m sorry,” he finally says. “For believing the worst. For last night.”

“Don’t be sorry,” I say. “I’m not sorry for last night. And you couldn’t know, not without me telling you what the deal with Blake was.”

“I should know better.” This is obviously weighing on him. “I know you, dammit. Should’ve trusted you.”

“Not your fault.” I smile at him. “And you don’t know me so well yet.”

“Don’t let me off the hook so easily. Listen, Ev…” He pushes his hand through his short hair. It’s a nervous gesture, and I frown. “I wanted to tell you…”

A cell phone beeps, and we both flinch.

With a sigh, he digs it out of his jacket. Looks like he went and got himself a new one in the morning. “Micah,” he growls into the phone. “What is it?”

The husky sound brings back a rush of memories from last night and desire shoots through me. I squirm on the bench, breathless.

He glances at me, his eyes hardening. “Fine, I’ll be there.” He disconnects the call.

“Is everything okay?”

“Have to go to Damage. Zane is leaving, and I need to hold the fort.”

“Right.” I nod and start to get up. “Maybe I’ll see you later, then.”

His eyes soften. “Yeah. Will you come by?”

“Your apartment. After ten.” I watch his smile widen, and I can’t help smiling back.

“Be careful,” he says, pulling me to my feet and drawing me flush against his long, strong body. “Promise me you’ll be careful.”

“I promise. Micah…”

He kisses me hard, before I get a chance to ask him the same. Then again, he doesn’t have a psychopath of a boyfriend stalking him.


Evening is falling by the time I find myself on the familiar porch of my parents’ house. I open and step inside, hesitating in the hall. I’ve no idea how my parents will react.

Mom is dozing in front of the TV, dressed in her bathrobe. I slip by her, unnoticed, and hurry up to my room. Dad doesn’t make an appearance and I slip inside.

What to take with me? I feel like a fugitive. It’s weird. I’m not afraid of my parents. I just don’t want another fight so soon, and I think telling them about Blake could bring on an argument of epic dimensions. They’ll probably accuse me of blowing things out of proportion, of having no proof Blake did anything…

I can’t take any more of this now. I think spending some time away from them may help patch things up between us. It’ll also give me time to hopefully get a restraining order for Blake and maybe even find proof he hurt Seth.

Pressing my lips together, I grab a duffel bag and start throwing clothes inside. Guilt swamps me. I should have told Seth what Blake’s deal was from the beginning. Not telling him allowed this to happen.