“The alley,” I say, although that’s not all. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. “Won’t you tell me what scares you?”

Her lips part, and I’m tempted to kiss her again. I hold back. I want to know more about her. I want to understand her.

“My boyfriend,” she starts, and I freeze. I think my heart has stopped.

“Boyfriend,” I repeat, my voice choked.

“Blake,” she says, “my ex-boyfriend. Very ex.”

I release a long breath, and my heart restarts with a lurch. “Right. Blake. What about him?” I fucking hate the guy already, and that’s even before I remember where I heard his name before. “He’s the douchebag who tells you you’re a cripple, isn’t he? What else did he do to you?”

She doesn’t immediately reply, and heat rises up my neck. I’m gonna rip this guy’s head right off his shoulders. My pulse thrums in my ears.

“What did he do?” I ask again. “Did he hurt you? Where is he now?”

“Micah.” Her hand worms its way between us and settles over my pounding heart. “Calm down.”

“The hell I will. What did he do, Ev?”

“Nothing.” She bites her lip. “It’s stupid. He’s never been violent with me, or anyone else.”

Some of the tension leeches out of me, but I’m still grinding my teeth. “Then why are you afraid? What else did he say? If he—”

“He just talks a load of crap.

” She presses her forefinger to my lips, stopping my questions. “Forget it.”

The adrenaline rush is still making the blood rush in my ears, but exhaustion drags me down. I manage to pull out of her and tie off the condom, then go clean up and return with a wet cloth for her. She moans softly as I clean her, and damn if my cock doesn’t twitch again.

Not sure I’ll survive another round tonight. So I tell my dick to suck it up, throw the wet cloth into a corner of the room and fall back into bed. I gather her close, tucking her head under my chin, still amazed at how such a tiny person can make me feel safe and content.

“What time is it?” she whispers, her breath tickling my skin.

My eyes are closing, and I struggle to open them again. “Must be midnight, I guess. Why?”

“Maybe I should set an alarm for tomorrow. Have to go to work.”

“Oh, right. I’ve set mine. I’ll wake you.” I reach out and switch off the light. In the velvet darkness, she’s curled against me like a magical creature, molding to me, soft and warm, small and yet strong.

“Thanks.” She trails her fingers over my chest, and it all fades for a while.

I come awake when she pulls away from me. I reach instinctively for her, not wanting to let go. “Ev?”

“Bathroom. I’ll be right back.” She smoothes a hand over my face. “You’re wiped out, aren’t you? Not sleeping well?”

“I sleep well with you,” I mumble, brain hazed and studded with snatches of dreams. “Ev, stay…”

“I’ll be right back,” she says, but I fall asleep before she does.


A figure stands at the door. It’s dark and I can’t really see, but I know her. She’s sat on my bed often and stroked my hair. She hasn’t been in my room recently, though, and I can’t quite recall her face. Her hair is dark and short, her eyes big and the color of the sky.

Mom… I wait, lying in my bed. I want her to come closer, to sit again beside me. I want to feel her arms around me, her hand on my hair, her lips on my cheek. I want to hear her voice saying my name.

‘Micah, baby…’ Her voice, soft. ‘I’m here.’

But she doesn’t move. She’s just a dark shadow against the light. Then she turns to go, and I’m scared. I know she’s never coming back. She’s leaving. Leaving me behind.