“They’re boys.” She settles on the bench and starts unbuttoning her shirt. “They’re up to mischief.”

Most probably. As I turn to go, I pause. “Have you seen Dakota and Megan recently?”

They are Zane’s and Rafe’s girls, respectively. Both had babies around the time I did, and I don’t think I’ve seen them recently, apart from that one time we went to congratulate them and meet the babies.

She nods as she nestles Scott in the crook of her arm. “I saw them a couple of times at Damage Control. They seemed okay. The babies are super cute. We should arrange to meet all of us girls one day. Maybe we’ll pass the baby fever to Tessa, too.”

“Then don’t tell her about teething. Or the colic. Or the fussiness.”

She just shakes her head and laughs. “Those secrets are safe with me.” She sobers up. “We should meet. I think…” She glances down at her son as he latches on to her nipple. “I think something’s up with Dakota.”

“Dakota? Not Megan?”

“I know, right? Meg was so terrified of having babies she was the one I was mostly worried about when you girls all got pregnant, but she’s taking it well. No, Dakota is the one worrying me. She seems way too tired, and distracted, and sad.”

“Sad?” This is bad. And strange. Or not. “Baby blues, you think?”

“Who knows? But we need to check on her.”

We sure do. Because the boys may have a brotherhood forged through pain and blood, but we girls have our own team. Our sisterhood, woven with tears and pain and laughter and love, and we also take care of one another.



“Hey, girl.” Tyler is carrying a cranky Jax under one arm, limp like a sack of potatoes.

“What happened?”

“He got into a fight with Teo.”

Dylan’s youngest brother. “Over some significant matter or other, I’ll bet.”

“Yeah. A rotten piece of chocolate they found on the trampoline.”

“Oh God.” I laugh.

I can’t help it.

I’ve been laughing a lot more since I got Tyler back in my life, and his answering grin is bright like the sun.

“Don’t worry, I threw it away before they could tear it apart with their bare teeth.”

The image only has me laughing harder.

And that gets Isabella wailing.


“Why don’t you invite everyone over,” I say, glancing down at her, trying to gauge if she needs changing, or is just tired and needs to sleep. “I’ve got the roast ready, and the salad. We haven’t really sat down with them in a while.”

“Sounds good.” He leans over, trails his mouth on my neck. “I love you, Erin.”

“Shoo.” I bump him with my hip and pretend I’m not affected and melting, like every time he speaks the words. “Go tell them before Isa really gets going. Quickly.”

“I’m going!” I watch him jog over to the others, talking to Jax who’s giggling, set on his hip. “Faster! We need to be faster!”
