“Baby face,” I whisper in his little ear and he twitches, half turning to look at me, so that the spoon Audrey is wielding paints his cheek instead of entering his mouth.

“Oh my God.” She starts to laugh kind of hysterically. “You’re… it’s yellow…”

His chubby cheek is streaked with yellow.

“That’s kinda like the scratch that car Zane saw is supposed to have, isn’t it?” Erin says, and our laughter dies.

That’s when the phone rings.

“Hello?” Erin is the only one with her hands free right now, and she frowns at the phone she’s answered. “You what?”

“What’s going on now?” Audrey’s cheeks flush. She glances at me and I shrug.

“I have no clue.”

“Rafe, I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Yeah, I know the police said that. It’s illegal. Not to mention dangerous.” She hunches over, her pretty dark eyes troubled. “But what do you expect to do once you—” Her mouth purses. “Rafe, wait.”

She puts the phone down, glaring at it. “You won’t believe this.”

“What then?”

“They’re going to Kenneth Shaw’s house. They plan to break in and look for evidence.”

“What evidence?” Audrey mutters, looking confused.

“They’re going without us?” I hiss.

“They don’t want to put us in danger.” Erin massages her temples. “And I get it. These guys are really protective.”

“Yeah, but you know what? Screw that.” I pat Scott’s head. “Sorry for the language, buddy. But seriously, I’m going.”

“I’m going, too,” Erin mutters. “No question about it. At least we will make sure the guys don’t do anything stupid.”

Audrey shivers. “I’m coming, too.”

I kiss the top of Scott’s head and he claps his hands. “And the kids?”

“Damage Control,” Erin says, a gleam in her eyes.

“What?” I gape at her. “You sure?”

“It’s time the Damage Boyz got used to babies.” The gleam in her eyes is now positively evil. “I heard rumors that they’ll be having some of their own soon.”

I guess that’s as good a reason as any.


“Uh. What am I supposed to be doing?” This is Jesse Lee, full-time tattoo artist in the new shop and one of the Damage Boyz. In his heavily tattooed arms he’s holding baby Isabella and the look in his pretty green eyes is positively terrified. “Erin!”

“Hold her. Don’t drop her.” Erin wags a finger at him. “And pay attention while I explain how to feed and change her, in case we are late.”

“You trusting him with your baby?” Seth chuckles, running his hand through his short black hair. “Are you sure?”

“Hey.” Jesse scowls and cradles Isabella to his chest. A dribble of milk seeps out of her mouth, soaking into his T-shirt. He curses and shoots Erin a panicky look. “She’s leaking milk.”


“You wipe her with a napkin,” Erin says firmly and she hands him one. “Here. You can do this, J. I have faith in you.”