For myself, I don’t know if I would’ve made it through something like that—watch Ash hurting so badly, for so long, with a newborn baby to care for—and come out sane.


“Hey, Aud.” Tessa leans over to open the passenger door of her white Jeep Cherokee for me. “You alone? Where’s the little Asher-clone?”

“His dad has him.”

“Awww, I don’t get to see my Scotty-boy today?” She pouts her ruby lips and bats her lashes at me as I buckle in and close the door. She’s dressed in a ripped red T-shirt, her purple bra showing through, and skinny jeans, huge silver hoops in her ears and countless leather bracelets on her slim arms.

She looks so pretty, like always. And wild, which is a more recent thing—ever since she broke free of her parents’ control and got together with Dylan, the love of her life.

“How about Dylan’s brothers? They at school?”

“Yep. But summer vacation is starting any day now. Little monsters will be a pain to entertain and keep out of trouble.” She smiles fondly, in contrast to her words, as she drives into the traffic. “Dylan was thinking of taking them on a camping trip. He said he’ll teach me how to fish.”

“You, on a camping trip?” I’m well aware my mouth is hanging open. “Fishing?”

She laughs. “I know, right? Me, with a fishing rod. Not the kind of rod I usually favor.”


She laughs harder. “You should see your face. Like you’re unfamiliar with the kind of rod I’m thinking of. I bet Asher’s is… substantial.”

“Oh God, stop.” Flushing again. I swear my freckles are on fire. “Not talking about that.”

“And you should be careful around it unless you want...” She wags a finger and hums, “Oh baby, baby…”

My mouth hangs open. “Crap, how did you find out?”

“Find out what?”

I bite my lip. “That we’re having another baby.”

“Aud! OMG!” Tessa squeals as we slow down at a traffic light. A guy sitting in the car beside us frowns at her. “Oh God, this is so exciting, this is… are you okay? Do you need anything? How far along are you? Good lord, I’m going to be an auntie again!”

I snicker, because she’s so funny when she gets like this. “Christ, you didn’t know, and I wanted to wait before I told everyone…”

“Why? It’s awesome news.”

“I’m just not that far along yet, and… And nothing. I just don’t want anyone to tell me it’s too soon, or anything like that.”

“It’s not too soon. Well, it’s soon, but Asher’s rod is fruitful, so…”

“Shut up!” I’m laughing so hard my eyes are tearing up.

“And you want it, right?”

I wipe at my eyes and nod. “Yes, I do. What about you? Don’t you want kids of your own? Little Dylan-clones?”

“He has two clones already. More and he’ll get too cocky.”

“Be serious for a second?” I sigh. Who would’ve thought I’d be the more conservative, mainstream one in the end and Tessa the wild one?

“Come on, Aud…” She speeds down the street, then slows down, eyes widening. “Oops, sorry! I should go slow, right? In your condition you should avoid bumps and—”

“I’m fine.” I rub her arm. “Seriously. Though going slow is a good thing.”

“See? Dylan and I are doing it right. Taking it slow.”