Oh God. Butterflies somersault in my belly when I think about that—just like they do whenever he kisses me, or just looks at me.

Like he’s doing now, from across the distance, a crooked grin on his face, Jax held in his strong arms. His dark eyes pin me to the spot, full of promises, and I’m sitting there, with my aching nipples and a baby drooling on my shoulder, my panties growing damp from arousal.

Hot damn, this man. I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting him, needing him. I really hope he has plans for us tonight, like he said. We haven’t had any real sex these past three months, apart from a few hurried encounters with handjobs and when he attempted to go down on me and I didn’t let him.

Yeah, I’ve felt a little self-conscious about the state of the regions down under after the birth. Afraid it’s, I dunno, wrinkled, stretched, weird. Something I didn’t have to wonder about after the birth of Jax because Tyler wasn’t there, and I didn’t date anyone.

There’s never been anyone for me but Tyler, and no, I don’t feel like I’ve missed out on anything. Not when I can have him.

Biting my lip, I get to my feet, patting the baby’s back until she burps, and walk toward the little group of my friends, only to get sidetracked by Audrey who’s heading my way, Scott in her arms.

Her son is the spitting image of Asher with his dark mop of hair and pale blue eyes. He grins when he sees Isabella, showing us his few baby teeth, and I snicker.

“Your boy is cute,” I say, bouncing Isabella a little to get her to stop fussing.

“Both my boys are cute.” Audrey glances at Asher’s broad-shouldered form, where he’s strolling with Tyler, and her cheeks color.

I can’t disagree. Asher is a looker, though of course I find Tyler much more handsome. What can I say? Ty has had my heart since it learned how to love.

“How’s Scott?” I nod at Scott, and he blubbers something, fingers shoved so deep inside his mouth I gag in sympathy.

“Teething,” she says. “Still teething. How long will this torture last?”

“With Jax it took two full years for all his teeth to come out.” Look at that, I didn’t forget all the trouble I went through with Jax after all. “He was cranky all that time, but,” I hurriedly add when her face pales dramatically, “I’m told many babies get theirs much faster.”

“Good to know.” She snorts. “Sorry. I love my little man, but he started teething just when he’d finally started sleeping through the night, you know? What little energy I had begun to get back is already gone.”

I know. “I feel your pain.”

She laughs again, this time a quiet little sound. “I shouldn’t complain. I’m happy. I just panic sometimes… that I’m not a good mom. That I don’t have enough patience. That I’m not taking good care of him.”

“Come here.” When she does, I give her a one-armed hug and feel her shake a little. She’s younger than me, and although I was much younger when I had Jax, I can understand her fears. “You’re doing great. You’re an awesome mom, and Ash is an awesome dad. You guys rock.”

Her little snort is a little hysterical this time, and I rub my hand in circles on her back. “Ash has been so great. He was panicking at first that he’d be a horrible dad, like his own dad, but he’s amazing with Scott.”

“And so are you,” I tell her firmly. “Asher keeps telling us how much.”

She peeks up at me from behind her tumble of red hair. “He does? You’re pulling my leg.”

“I pinky swear.”

Scott wails, and Audrey gives him a kiss on his chubby cheek. “He’s getting hungry. My turn to let my tits out.”

I snicker. “I bet Ash would love to help.” And as soon as the words leave my mouth, I remember what Tyler said, and my insides clench with need.

Crap. Since giving birth to Isa I can’t even name my girly parts without feeling embarrassed.

Pussy, Erin. It’s called a pussy, and it wants your boyfriend’s dick inside it.

And now I’m throbbing worse than before.

“Yeah, Asher tries to steal Scott’s milk sometimes.” She sticks her tongue out at me. “But not much.”


“In any case, Scott can’t drink more than a boobful at a time.” She pushes out her considerable rack and winks. “So I have no worries. And that’s on top of everything else he eats now. I’m giving him one more month, and I’ll wean him off.” She nuzzles his chubby face. “My little man.”

Isabella burps again, and I jiggle her on my arm. “I’m going to find Tyler and Jax. See what they’re up to.”