I shiver.

God, this boy. My need for him will forever be simmering under my skin, in my bones. In my mind. Two years together, two babies, and his words make me blush. And want. They make me want to feel him against me, in me, feel him everywhere.

I never thought it possible to love someone so frigging much.


My phone is ringing on the nightstand, and I hum into my pillow, reaching blindly for it. Although Scott is older and sleeps through the night, well mostly, it’s a rare treat to sleep an hour longer. Ash is always up at dawn, and without classes until fall semester starts, he takes care of Scott for me.

So sweet of him. Such a sweet boy.

Ash, I mean. Okay, Scott, too. But my boy, my guy, is Ash, and as I stare blearily at my phone, I remember what we did last night, and a familiar heat spreads in my cheeks and down my chest, all the way to my core.

He didn’t exaggerate when he said I’d forget my own name. He was… focused. On my pleasure.

Holy crap. I clench my legs together at the wave of desire coursing through me at the memory.

And I should focus on… the missed phone call.

From Dakota, Zane’s girl, and I sit up, suddenly wide awake. From the other room I can hear Ash talking to Scott, and Scott gurgling something in response as I fumble with my phone to call back.

My hand smooths over my belly, unconsciously cradling the baby, seeking to protect it—her?—from my reality and from my fear.

Dakota picks up after a few rings, sounding out of breath. “Hello?”

“Hey, it’s me, Audrey. You called me. Is everything all right?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I mean…” She draws a long breath. “No. Not really, but that’s not unusual anymore.”

I gather my legs close, my heart sinking. “What happened? More nightmares?”

“Bad ones.” Her voice wavers and my eyes sting. “I wouldn’t have called about that, though. God knows he’s had worse ones recently. I just…” Another hitch, and tears slip free, tracking down my cheeks, because crap, this makes me so frigging sad. “I said I’d tell you anything he mentions, just in case it’s important.”

“Yeah.” I clear my throat, wipe at my face. “What did he say?”

“He was calling for someone. Tyrant? Tyra?”

I frown. “Tyrell? Wasn’t that the guy who hurt him?”

“That makes no sense,” Dakota mutters. “Maybe I didn’t hear well. I was dead tired, and the baby wouldn’t stop wailing.” A pause. “He also said something about an attic, and a dress.”

“A dress.”


“Well, who knows what it means. Maybe there was a woman involved.”

“Or maybe it was just a dream. Or a memory from some other time. Shit, I don’t know, I feel like I’m losing my mind.”

She’s right. This is worse than grasping at straws. “I’ll tell Ash anyway. Just in case. You never know if Zane lets something important slip one of these days. Just…” This is hard to

ask. “Just keep telling us how he’s doing, what he says, okay?”

“I will.” I can hear little Emmanuel crying, and crap, I’m crying again. Damn hormones. “I could come over, if you’d like, girl. Help out. Ash can take Scott for as long as needed, I can get Erin or Megan or Tessa and take care of Lee so you can rest.”

“You…” Oh God, she’s crying now, too. “You’d do that? Thank you, Audrey. I think I’m going crazy.”

“You’re not. You’re very brave.”