Dammit. If we don’t get out soon, Rafe will be next banging on the door, and I’m damn sure their next step will be to take the door down to make sure I’m okay.

They’ve been doing that a lot lately.

Checking on me.

And for some stupid reason, the thought makes me grin more widely. Fuckers. They’re good guys.

Not that I didn’t know that, but still. They say you know who your friends are when things go wrong, and there they were, by my side, all the way, boys and girls alike. It’s thanks to them I’m here today, making more babies with Dakota. I’ll never forget that.

And I’ll make sure they know it when they are on babysitting duty in the years to come. Heh. This is exactly what being part of a family means.

I guess I’d better get those rings to them before they go into a panic and come knocking. Let’s get the last of the Brotherhood married, so they can continue their babymaking with the blessings of the community and a wealth of compromising photos to blackmail them with in the future.

Sounds like a plan.


The triple wedding event is unfolding inside a historic building, apparently. Looks like a barn. Not that I’d know anything about barns.

Patting the rings in the pockets of my long coat—because fuck if I’m ever gonna wear a dress jacket—I stand behind the couples.

I’m holding Lee in my arms, and Dakota is standing beside me, looking damn gorgeous in a mini black dress and tall boots, lacy gloves and a choker, her dark hair piled on top of her head. Her colorful tattoos peek over her gloves, twisting around her upper arms.

She’s badass, my girl.

Tearing my gaze from her with difficulty, I lean down to kiss the top of my son’s head and listen with half an ear as the Justice of the Peace, a plump, bald man, rambles on about marriage, and the law, and love.

Motherfucker, these guys know all about love already. If only you knew…

I look at my friends, three couples in a row, standing there solemnly, holding hands and listening. Three couples and a few kids. Dylan and Tessa have Dylan’s brothers standing in front of them, and I smile at that.

Tessa is dressed in a light blue gown with white flowers stitched all over, her hair in an elaborate bun and a small tiara on her head. She’s like a Disney princess, and beside her Dylan is quite princely, too, in his dark suit.

Erin and Tyler are dressed in more interesting costumes—inspired from a movie they like. Was it Star Wars? Or Lord of the Rings? Not sure, but Erin looks damn fine in her long cream gown and Tyler in his stylized black jacket with gold designs on the sleeves.

Then there’s Rafe and Megan, and fuck, the word that springs to mind is regal. She’s dressed in deep red, red flowers in her dark hair, and he’s in a dark gray suit, his hair combed back.

Dammit, I must be bored out of my mind to be checking out clothes.

Then we have movement. I perk up as Dakota takes the boxes with the rings from my pockets and passes them on to the couples, but then there’s another lag as one by one they exchange their vows.

I wanna ask Dakota if we took so long to get married. I should apologize to everyone for putting them through this.

Then again… it’s a good feeling, seeing them all gathered here, looking good, looking happy.

So I

suck it up and grin at my friends.

By the time they’re done, Lee has started to whine. When he tries to suckle my damn nipple through my shirt, I pass him to his mom.

“Mom’s prettier than me anyway,” I inform my son, and earn myself a snicker from Dakota.

Ash grins at me from my right as my pretty wife wanders off to sit in the back to breastfeed. He’s holding Scott who’s trying to unbutton his dad’s shirt, while drooling all over it.

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I snicker and take in the small crowd that’s gathered around us. Behind Ash there are the Damage Boyz with their girls. There is Tessa’s mom, and her boss with his wife, and Erin’s parents who are busy with their grandchildren. The lady in a pink suit looks a lot like Megan so I’d say it’s her mom, and there’s Audrey’s mom, too, and Dakota’s parents, and…

I frown.