Page 37 of Surprise Bidder

“But of course, I already knew that. That’s why I chose her.”

I chose her for the same reason.

“And I’m glad you did, too,” Fiona adds. “I think she likes you.”

I narrow my gaze at her. She laughs.

“What? I didn’t say she’s in love with you.” She waves her hand in front of her face. “God, men can be so much more sensitive than women sometimes. I just meant she trusts you and that the two of you are a good fit.”

My eyebrows arch. “You think?”

She reaches across the table to touch my hand. “I know you can’t help but worry that she might end up like Nadine. That’s why I said getting a seat on the Council might do you some good. But trust me, Leah is not like Nadine. Or like Kristen.”

My eyes grow wide at the mention of that last name, one not too many people know of. I merely slipped and told Fiona because I was upset about what happened to Nadine at the time.

“Leah is different,” Fiona goes on. “She may be young, but she’s not a child. Something tells me she never was. She’s smart. She’s strong. She’s determined to survive, to come out of this feeling like she’s done the right thing, which is why she will.”

I know. I’ve always known.

Fiona pats my hand. “You have to stop walking on eggshells around her. She isn’t going to break. And she isn’t going to fall in love with you and cling to you.”

Why did I even think she would? God, I feel like such a fool.

“It’s alright for you to take good care of her just like you took care of Nadine.” Fiona gives my hand a squeeze. “It’s alright for you to be good to her, to spoil her even. She’s a prize, Gavin. She deserves to be prized. Maybe she even needs to be.”

I nod. She’s right. I’ve been worrying too much, and for all the wrong reasons. Worst, I’ve made Leah suffer for it.

I have to make it up to her.

“And what exactly do you want me to do with her?” I ask Fiona.

She pulls her hand away and touches her chin. “I don’t know. Maybe spend more time with her. If you’re inclined, you can wash her hair or paint her toes. Some women like that.”

I chuckle because I can’t imagine myself doing that.

“Of course, I prefer mine done by a professional, so you can bring one over for her, too.”

I could do that.

“Oh, and give her gifts,” Fiona suggests.

“She already has everything from your website.”

“Then something not from my website, like jewelry, for example, or perfume. You know I’d carry those if I wasn’t such a sucker for Harry Winston and Cartier. And Chanel No. 5.”

I file her suggestions away in my mind.

“Or maybe give her something that can’t be bought.”

“Like?” I give her a puzzled look.

“When I was talking to her, she told me that she was bored,” Fiona answers. “I think she wants something to do.”

“You mean a hobby? What? Should I give her balls of yarn and knitting needles? A puzzle with five thousand pieces? A sheet of canvas and some paints?”

Fiona frowns. “Those are all boring. Give her something that she can be proud of, something that will boost her self-esteem.”

“Like?” I ask again.

“I don’t know.” She sits back in her chair. “But I do know this. Leah was once an athlete, a gymnast. I think she’d like to relive some of that.”

A gymnast? I didn’t know. Then again, I didn’t really read her file.

Fiona finishes her drink and stands up. “I better go. I still have somewhere else to be.”

She glances at her watch.

“Shit. I’m late.”

“A date?” I ask as I, too, stand up.

She responds with a cryptic grin.

“Anyway, I’m off.” She gives me a hug and pats me on the back. “It was good to see you again.”

“It was good to see you, too,” I tell her.

And this time, I mean it. She’s dispelled my worries and given me some good things to think about.

“Bye.” She jogs to the door.

After she’s left, I go over to my desk and pick up the phone. My assistant answers.

“Yes, sir?”

“Sylvia, before you leave, I want you to get me everything you can find about gymnastics.”

“Gymnastics?” I hear the surprise in Sylvia’s voice.

“Yes,” I confirm before hanging up the phone.

I sit in my chair and tap my fingers on my desk. I’m still not planning on heading home, but this time, it’s because I suddenly have a quest.

I hope I can find Leah something great to do.


After two more nights of staying at the office late, I come home early. I find Leah in her bedroom. She’s on the carpet with one leg folded beneath her stomach and her other leg stretched out behind her. Her hands are clasped as if in prayer, her thumbs touching her forehead. If I didn’t know she used to be a gymnast, I’d think she was just by looking at her right now.