Page 28 of Surprise Bidder

“It can occur at any time of the day,” Dr. Taylor explains. “But there’s no need to worry. It’s normal during the first trimester, sometimes even during the second.”

“So you’re saying it’s going to happen again? And often?”

The doctor shrugs. “It’s likely to happen again. How often? Some women throw up once or twice a day, every day, once they start. Some women throw up two or three times a week.”

“And that’s still normal?” Gavin asks.

Dr. Taylor nods. “If she throws up every hour and can’t keep any food down, then we have a problem. However, you said she’s only thrown up this once.”

“She threw up three times in ten minutes,” Gavin points out.

“But it’s been an hour since the last time she threw up, correct?”

Gavin frowns. “It wouldn’t have been if you’d gotten here faster.”

The doctor draws a deep breath. “Mr. Scotsfeld, I- ”

“Just tell me she’s okay,” Gavin cuts him off.

“She is,” Dr. Taylor assures him. “It may not even be morning sickness. It may just be something she ate.”

The ice cream. I frown as I remember that amazing treat going to waste.

“It can also be due to a bout of anxiety,” he adds.

Well, I’ve had quite a rough day.

“Whatever the reason is, I can assure you that Leah is fine. She just has to rest, eat well, take her supplements, drink lots of water.” Dr. Taylor turns to me. “When is your next check-up?”

“Thursday,” I answer.

Dr. Taylor nods. “Make sure you don’t miss it.”

“She won’t,” Gavin says.

“Then she’ll be just fine,” Dr. Taylor tells him. “And if you have any concerns, you can just call me. Unless I’m in the middle of a C-section, in which case I’ll send someone, I’ll do my best to come over as soon as I can.”

I smile. “Thank you, Doctor.”

Gavin doesn’t smile, but he shakes the doctor’s hand. “Thank you.”

Dr. Taylor nods and heads to the door. I catch a glimpse of Ms. Jensen waiting outside. As soon as he’s gone, I turn to Gavin.

“I told you,” I tell him, unable to resist.

He looks at me. “And I’m supposed to believe you even though you were crying when you said that?”

“I wasn’t crying,” I argue with him. “My eyes were watery because I just threw up.”

“And do you still feel like throwing up?” He sits on the bed and places his hand on my forehead. “How do you feel?”

I glance at his hand. “Um, fine.”

Haven’t I already told him that?

“My stomach is settled now. I probably just ate too much ice cream.”

Gavin frowns. “Then no more ice cream for you.”

I stick out my lower lip.

He chuckles. “Okay. I’ll ask Ms. Jensen to stock every flavor of ice cream for you.”

My eyes grow wide. “Every flavor?”

He laughs.

My heart flips. I’ve never heard him laugh before, and the sound sends unexpected ripples of warmth beneath my skin. Not scorching heat like what flows through my veins when he touches me, but a gentle warmth, like the rays of sunlight on the first day of spring, thawing ice and melting snow.

I can’t help but smile.

“Thank you.” I reach for his hand. “For saving me, for worrying about me, and for taking care of me and my baby.”

His laugh lines vanish.

“I’m sorry about earlier when I said you know nothing about babies,” I go on. “Actually, I’m sorry for everything I said earlier. I shouldn’t have snapped at you when you were just trying to have a conversation with me. And I shouldn’t have left the table like that. As for arguing with you about Giselle, I didn’t mean- ”

“It’s fine,” he cuts me off as he pulls his hand away. “Just forget about what happened this morning.”

He’s not mad at me anymore? Or does he just want to sweep it under the rug?

“Just rest.” Gavin pats my shoulder and gets off my bed. “You’ve had a rough day.”

I can’t argue with that, so I snuggle into the pillows and pull the covers up to my chin. I can’t take a nap yet, though, not until I’ve taken my contacts off. I do that as soon as Gavin has left, then crawl back beneath the sheets. As my head hits the pillow, I let out a yawn.

Strange. Didn’t I take a nap earlier? And now I’m taking another?

I turn on my side. Oh well. Who says you can have too many naps? Look at cats and dogs. Besides, I think as I close my eyes, this is going to be just a short one before dinner.


When I wake up, it’s already dark. Did I sleep that long?

As I sit up to look at the clock perched by the bed, I notice that the armchair across the room is occupied. This time, though, it’s not Gavin sitting there. It’s Giselle.

I let out a gasp, then a scream of joy as I extend my arms to her. She comes running and puts her arms around me. We both fall on the bed.