Page 12 of Surprise Bidder

As I sit down, I can’t help but wonder about her. Is she the CEO of Hera? But she looks so young. How old is she?

“First things first,” Ms. Sinclair says. “This conversation is confidential. Whatever we discuss here does not leave this room. Is that understood?”

I nod.

She glances at my stomach. “You’re pregnant?”


“First time?”


“You don’t know who the father is?”

I shake my head.

She leans forward. “And what exactly do you plan to do with the baby? Are you keeping it?”


I purse my lips as I hesitate. She’s been asking me very personal questions, but I still know nothing about why I’m here.

“I know you don’t trust me right now, Leah. Can I call you Leah?”

I nod.

“But if I’m going to help you, and I want to, you have to answer my questions.”

I touch my belly. “I don’t know. I don’t know what to do right now. I was actually hoping you’d help me figure it out.”

Ms. Sinclair nods. Her back straightens and her gloved hands go back to her lap.

“Very well, Leah. Let me tell you what we’re offering you.”

I draw a breath and hold it in anticipation.

“We’re offering you a good life for your baby, a future.”

I gasp, because those are the words I’ve been longing to hear.

“You’re going to be well taken care of, and your baby will not want for anything,” she adds. “That is, if you pass the test.”

Test? I didn’t hear about any test, but I don’t mind. I’m going to pass it no matter what.

“Thank you,” I tell her with a trembling hand over my lips. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

“Don’t thank me.” Strings of diamonds dance from her ears as she shakes her head. “This isn’t charity, Leah. It’s a partnership.”

A partnership?

“I’ve told you what we’re offering. Now, let me tell you what we require of you.”

Require? I thought passing the test was the only requirement.

“I don’t just run this company, Leah. I work with a group of rich and powerful people, men mostly. Let’s just say I make arrangements to make sure their personal needs are fulfilled so that they can focus on business.”

I’m confused. What does that have to do with me?

“Please just tell me what I have to do,” I ask her.

She draws a deep breath. “For the most part, you have to keep a man content.”

I shake my head. “I still don’t understand.”

“First, you have to pass the test. Then you will be paired with a man. You will live in his home and have everything you need during your pregnancy. In exchange, you will do everything he asks.”

“Everything? Like chores? Secretarial work?”

“No,” Ms. Sinclair answers. “These men already have personal assistants and maids.”

“So I- ”

“You will be his… pet, if you want a word, though we prefer the term ‘prize’.”

Pet? Like a dog?

“You will sit with him, go out with him if he wishes, and most importantly, you will obey his commands and please him in whatever way he wants.”

My gaze narrows. “Please him?”

“With your body.”

The blood drains from my face. So this is prostitution, after all.


“I know what you’re thinking- that you’re being made into a prostitute. Don’t. As I said, you will be taken care of, prized even. There are rules to ensure your health, welfare, and your own happiness.”

I fall silent because my thoughts are in a murky pool once more. How can I be taken care of and be made into some sex slave at the same time?

“And like I said, your baby will want for nothing,” Ms. Sinclair adds. “When you’ve reached your eighth month, you will be transferred to a special facility where your health will be monitored. Everything will be done to make sure the birth goes well, and then the baby will be placed in a nursery until its parents have been decided.”

My eyebrows arch. “Its parents?”

“Put simply, your baby will be given up for adoption. To wealthy, loving parents. Your child will have an amazing childhood, the best education, a career waiting.”

I shake my head. “I don’t understand. You’re telling me I’m going to have to work so that I can be… taken care of and then you’re taking my baby away?”

“After birth, if all goes well, you will be given two months to rest in a retreat of your choice. When you come back, you will be placed back into the care of your protector. You will continue to have everything you need.”

“As long as I have sex with him,” I say sourly.

“Yes,” Ms. Sinclair confirms. “For one year. During which time you will be on the pill so you won’t get pregnant.”

“And after a year?” I ask.

“You may go or you may stay. If you stay, the process will start all over again. If you go, you will have enough money to start a new life.”