The Cane let out a snarl and snatched up his weapon-careful, Tavi noted, to keep his weight off his injured foot.

"Out of respect for Lararl, who holds the respect of Varg, I have not killed you out of hand," Tavi said. "Instead, I give you this choice. Behave honorably toward Varg, as you know Lararl would have you act-or face me, here and now, in front of everyone, to the death. And after I've killed you, I will give your second the same choice."

Tarsh's eyes glittered. "What makes you think that you are worthy of my attention, Aleran scum?"

Tavi spread his swords in mocking invitation. "I'm the size of a half-grown puppy, Tarsh. You've got twice my reach, three times my weight, several times my strength, you're fighting on your home ground and with your own men all around you. Except for that little hole in your foot, you hold absolutely every advantage. Surely only a coward of legendary proportion would be afraid to fight me."

From the ranks of Canim warriors came a number of coughing growls-the Canim approximation of Aleran chuckles, or so Tavi judged them. The loudest such sound came from the wounded Cane on the ground-the one Tavi had put there.

Tarsh's eyes swept back and forth across the ranks of his men, and his ears flattened slightly toward his skull.

Tavi could follow his line of thought easily enough. A moment ago, Tarsh might have been able to order his men to dispatch Tavi as he would tell them to kill any other animal. Now, however, the situation had changed. Varg had recognized Tavi as gadara, a respected foe, a word more highly regarded than "friend" among the wolf-warriors. More to the point, Tavi had issued a direct and personal challenge, changing the situation from a group assault to an issue of dominance and personal strength. And, most importantly, Tavi had demonstrated the virtues most unquestionably held valuable by Canim warriors-courage, confidence, and most importantly, competence in the arts of violence.

"Think carefully Tarsh," Varg growled, unmistakable amusement in his voice. "I would, before I dueled this Aleran." He turned to the assembled warriors. "Who is the second to this pack leader?"

The wounded, heavily muscled Cane on the ground tilted his head slightly to one side. "I serve in that capacity, Warmaster Varg."

Varg's nostrils twitched. "You are of the bloodline of the Red Rocks."

"Anag," the Cane said, flicking his ears in the affirmative. "You slew my grandsire, Torang, at Blackwater Fen."

"Torang Two-Swords, that tricky old bastard," Varg said, jaws dropping open in a grin. He gestured with a paw-hand at one line of white hairs among the black fur along his jaw, just above his throat. "He gave me this scar." He gestured at his chest and belly. "And two more, here and here. I was under the healers for an entire moon after I fought him, and his pack stopped our advance cold."

Anag lifted his head slightly in pride. "When I was young, he spoke well of you, Warmaster. He died in good company."

Varg turned to Tarsh. "Fight the Aleran, Tarsh. I would rather deal with a true Cane than you."

Tarsh's huge chest bubbled with a growl, but he did not meet Varg's gaze or show any teeth. "Warmaster," he said after a moment, keeping most of the snarl out of his words. "I will make arrangements for your people."

"And the Alerans," Varg said. "I will speak to Lararl about them. Until then, I expect the same treatment of Tavar and his people that you give to me."

Tarsh gave Tavi a look of flat hatred, but said, "It will be done." He turned and stalked away, pausing only to stand over the wounded Anag and say, "See to it." Then he walked off the dock and into the darkness of the city.

Tavi stepped over to Varg, and asked, quietly, "Tavar?"

"If you are to be here, you need a proper name," the Cane said with a shrug-a gesture shared by both races. "It is close to your own, and has an appropriate meaning."

Tavi tilted his head, waiting for him to continue, but Varg only parted his jaws in a small smile, then nodded to Anag. "Perhaps this is an opportunity."

Tavi glanced at the wounded Cane, then nodded at Varg and turned to walk back toward the longboat. Maximus, his face somewhat flushed, said, "Bloody crows, Calderon. That was a near thing." He tossed Tavi a cloth.

Tavi caught it and immediately began wiping the blood from his swords. "We were lucky Varg was on our side."

"On our side?" Max demanded, barely keeping his voice down. "He just forced you into a position where you had to fight twenty Canim and take their leader prisoner to keep from being cut to ribbons."

"It worked out," Tavi said calmly, sheathing each weapon as he finished wiping it clean. "Now come on. I want you to heal Anag."

"You want me to heal one of the Canim who tried to kill you," Max said.

"The one who came closest, really," Tavi replied. "Shouldn't be too much work. I was careful not to hit anything delicate. Just stop the bleeding and get him back on his feet so he can make arrangements for the fleet."

Max sighed and began climbing out of the boat. "I'm glad Magnus isn't here." Max gained the dock, and said, "You know, Tavi, it occurs to me that this might not work."

"What might not?"

"Watercrafting," Max said.

"You just crafted the boat all the way in," Tavi replied.

"Through the sea," Max said. "The same sea that touches the shores of Alera. But if we put this Cane into a tub of the local freshwater, I have no idea if it will work. There might not even be any furies in it."

"I had no problem with metalcrafting, and a little windcraft, just now."

"Metal from an Aleran sword," Max said. "Wind from the same air that touches Alera."

"I just used a bit of earthcrafting, too," Tavi said. "Don't tell me these stones are Aleran rock."

Max frowned. "That doesn't... everyone I've ever talked to, every paper I've ever read on the subject said that... Tavi, it just shouldn't work like that."

"Why not?"

"Because," Max said. "No one thinks it should. And I read up on it before we left, too, believe me."

"What happened to accomplishing the impossible through ignorance?"

Max grimaced. "I suspended my usual policy on this subject. I wanted to... you know. Be sure that if you needed... that I'd be able to..."

"Protect me?"

"I didn't say that," Max said quickly.

"Max, my father had full command of his furycraft. By all reports, he was nearly as strong as the First Lord himself-even without inheriting Gaius's furies. And someone murdered him." Tavi shook his head. "I'm not going to get picky about my friends doing what they can to make sure it doesn't happen to me."