Promising it won’t happen again, I disconnect the call and scratch at a stain on the kitchen counter.

What is this about? Who is the boy who delivered the money? And most importantly, who paid my rent?

My thoughts go to Mom. Could it be? She knows where I live. Unlikely, though. Why would she suddenly care?

Holy crap, the rent’s been paid!

I do a little jig in the kitchenette, whispering “Yes! Yes!” and pumping my fists in the air.

Raf is watching the proceedings with big amber eyes from his perch on top of the fridge. Then he lifts a paw and tries to swat at me as I pass in front of him, dancing. Of course he misses, and I dance my way into the living room where I sink into the threadbare sofa and let out a long breath.

I’m not going to be thrown out on my ass. I have a place to stay until I find a new job. This is still my apartment.

Raf wanders over, jumps onto my lap, sniffs my fingers and curls up for a nap.

Yeah, this is still my home. Whoever this boy is, the one who did this for me, he has a heart of gold. I hope one day I can find him to tell him so.


I’m staring at Tessa’s hair. Wow.

“Don’t you like it?” she asks, turning this way and that.

“It’s blue,” I say, pointing it out in case she missed it. Maybe there was a mistake with the dye? “Electric blue.”

“Damn right it’s blue.” She grins at me and tosses her mane over one shoulder. She’s dressed in ripped jeans and an off-the-shoulder black blouse with a band logo. “Like it?”

I hesitate, then nod. “It matches your eyes.”

She shoots me a blinding smile. “Dylan likes it.”

“Girl, he’d like you even if you shaved it all off and tattooed your head with flames.”

She laughs, but can’t deny it. Everyone knows Dylan is crazy about her, and she’s crazy about him. Since they moved in together, they haven’t been able to hide how much they love each other, how much they need each other.

Like I need Rafe.

Oh no, I don’t. I don’t need anyone. He was right. It was a mistake.

“How is it going with Greg?” Tessa asks, oblivious. “I don’t see him much around.”

I bite the inside of my cheek. “That’s because we’re not together.”

“But you said—”

“I know. I lied.” At her wounded look, I rush to explain. “I wanted to think I could get back together with him. I guess… I lied to myself as much as to everyone else.”

Her blue eyes clear. “So I was right. It’s not him you’re lusting after, it’s—”

“Nobody.” I raise my coffee cup in her direction. “I lust after nobody. As soon as I find another job, I’ll move to a smaller apartment, take the cat with me and be right as rain. I don’t need a guy to be happy.”

“I know that, just…” Tessa frowns and looks down into her latte glass. “It’s about him, too, you know?”

No, I don’t know. “What do you mean?”


I fight a wince at the sound of his name. Can’t I spend two seconds without his ghostly presence by my side? “What about him?”