That’s true.

“What did you do that exhausted you so much?”

He shoots me a bright sideways glance, and a corner of his mouth lifts, the hoop in his lower lip glinting. “Watching you, having you here and not being allowed to touch you.”

“I thought you were touching me earlier.”

“But then you told me you can’t do this.”

“Not like this, no.”

He turns back to the sink.

“I’m sorry,” he says after a moment. “For what I said earlier. I didn’t know. I always thought…” He shrugs. “It doesn’t matter what I thought. I shouldn’t have said it.”

Yeah. His words did sting. Then again, I wanted him to believe I slept with all those boys, wanted him to be jealous. “Forget it.”

“It’s that simple, huh?” he says softly.

“Nothing is simple.” I wish it were.

“You’re right. Tess…” He turns to face me fully. “I can’t give you what you need.”

I swallow hard. “And what’s that?”

“This isn’t a fairytale, princess. And I’m not a prince.” His eyes are earnest. “I can’t offer you much. In fact, things are pretty rough around here, if it escaped your notice, and it doesn’t look like they’ll be improving any time soon.”

His look is challenging, like he expects me to deny it, say I won’t run. Say I’m not a princess.

But I say nothing. What are words worth?

“You have interests,” he goes on. “Archaeology. Ecology. You have dreams.”

“And you don’t?”

“I’ve had to give up most of mine.”

It makes me sad to hear him say so. “You can get them back.”

“Not sure how. You’re so strong, Tess. I saw how you defended yourself the other night when that fucker got you. How you stood up to your parents. I wanted to tell you…”

I wait, my heart in my throat. “What?”

“That you deserve the best.”

I shale my head. “So do you.”

“I had the best. I had you.” There is wariness in his eyes and something that looks like regret and sorrow. “And I walked away.”

“Dyl…” I don’t know what to say. Because what else is there to say, when he speaks of me as if I belong to the past?

Silence stretches.

“You should get going,” he says hoarsely. “Audrey and Ash will worry.”

I nod and turn around. I pause. “You think I’ll run away because things are tough,” I whisper. “Because you’re no prince. What you don’t realize…” I glance at him over my shoulder, and I see it plainly, the pain in his gaze. “I’m only leaving because you won’t let me in.”
