Audrey shocks me when she puts her face in her hands and starts to cry. “You’re my best friend,” she blurts out between hiccupping sobs. “Oh God…”

Blindly I reach out and hug her to me, let her cry on my sweater. “You’re my best friend, too.” I seek Asher’s gaze over her red head, searching for clues, and strangely he doesn’t look surprised. More like… conflicted. Wary.

“Auds.” He approaches us slowly, as if afraid to scare us away. “Want me to hold you?”

I blink at that. What a weird thing to say. I mean, this is supposedly about me, but he acts as if Audrey is the one in need of comforting. What the hell, right?

“No,” Audrey whispers and holds on to me. “Thanks. I want a moment to talk with Tess.”

Asher lifts his hands and retreats to what I assume must be their bedroom. I hear the door click shut.

I blink again. Audrey is still sniffling on my shoulder.

“Aud.” I lick my lips. Why is she acting like this? “Are you okay?”


“Were you…” I swallow hard. “Were you hurt by someone, too?”

She shakes her head vehemently, and I relax a little. “Okay. That’s good. Then why are you crying?”

“I’m just so sad and angry…” She pulls back. “What did he do to you, Tess? What did that bastard do?”

The words are so hard to utter. “He forced himself on me.” My voice sounds like a machine’s, emotionless, cold. “Got me drunk on his yacht, and then…” I wipe a hand over my face. It’s wet. I never realized I was crying, too. “I couldn’t push him off me. He was just too strong, and we were alone. My parents didn’t believe me. Didn’t want to believe me. They still think he’s the perfect match for me.”

“Oh, Tess…” Audrey gathers her knees to her chest, dropping her chin on them, and rocks a little. “This is so awful.”

I guess it is. I feel strangely disconnected right now. I’m not even shaking that badly anymore, distracted by Audrey’s strange mood.

“Did you tell the police?” She stops rocking and straightens. “Did you talk to a counsellor?”

“My parents wouldn’t believe me. You think the police would? Sean’s the Anholt heir.” I sigh. “I was scared and ashamed to talk about it. It still isn’t easy.” This is the first time I openly discuss it with anyone. Truth is, I thought it’s be even harder. “I guess it’s a good thing I was quite drunk. The details are fuzzy. I know it hurt, and that I was terrified. That I’ve been afraid of going out with guys since then.”

Big fat tears roll down her cheeks. “Oh, Tess… I’m so sorry.”

Yeah, me too. “The only guy I feel safe with is Dylan.”

And while I’m wondering why I let that slip out, Audrey shoots up from the sofa and shakes a finger at me. “No. You said you were done with him. Don’t, Tess.”

Oh crap. “I’m only saying it’s different—”

“I want you to be happy. To find someone who appreciates you. Oh shit.” She turns her back to me, and she’s crying again, her shoulders shaking. “This is so stupid.”

Cautiously, I get up and put a hand on her back. “Aud… What’s going on? Why are you like this?”

“Like what?” Muffled. Followed by sniffling.

“Like that. Crying and stuff.”

A stillness falls in the room. Wheels start spinning in my head just as Audrey turns to face me and throws herself into my arms.

“Are you…?” I whisper, holding her slight frame close.

“Yeah,” she breathes, nodding on my shoulder. “I’m pregnant.”

“Oh my God.” I squeeze her, laughter bubbling up my throat. “Oh holy crap, this is so awesome. Congrats!” I pull back, suddenly concerned. “Aren’t you happy?”

“Happy? I’m over the moon.” She laughs, still crying. What an emotional rollercoaster this seems to be for her. “I mean, it wasn’t planned or anything, but… Oh God, I’ll start showing soon. I’m freaking out! I’ve been dying to tell everyone for weeks now, but we wanted to wait until after the first trimester.”